Premeta Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Spanish Marque

Alfredo Andino, Pablo Basaldua Pinedo and Angel Martínez Iturregui(1) established the firm which produced the Premeta in Erandio, near Bilbao, Vizcaya during the early 50s. These were of 175cc and 250cc, and it has been suggested that they were derived from similar Motobècane models.

Around 25 were built.

Notes. 1. The names given do not match those below.

Sources:, et al.

Wed Apr 05 2006
jesuscolladoandino at
Premeta motorcycles

I read the article about Premeta with great interest as my grandfather was also one of the partners of the firm. I would love to get in touch with the person who wrote that article (Ruben Mendizabal). Is it possible to get his e-mail address?
Thanks a lot.
I can also share information on the Premetas, I might have ono or two photos from the 50's


My grandfather Alfredo Andino was the engineer and one of the partners of the PREMETA firm. Their main business was building heavy high precision machines for industrial purposes. But their love for motorbikes impulsed them to build a reduced 125cc and 250cc series. In the photo you can see some of them just "out from the oven" ready to run.
The logo is in the second photo.

Thanks for the interest.
Any more information about Premeta or from owners of one bike would be most wellcome, so you can write to:
Jesús Collado Andino, e-mail address:
jesuscolladoandino at

December 25, 2002
I just wanted to give you some info on the Premeta motorcycles.

My grand-dad was the owner of the factory that made Premetas. The logo of the company was "Premeta, la primera en la meta". They were made in Erandio, Vizcaya.

125 125cc bikes and 125 250cc bikes were made. They were very good looking for the time and very strong for such a small engine. The company also produced a car but it was never sold because he couldn't get the licenses he needed to sell it.

Thanks for your interest -- Ruben Mendizabal  -- mprieto at

If you have a query or information about Premeta motorcycles please