March 20th
Orie Steele born Ridgewood, New Jersey. His father, John Steele, had an Indian dealership. Orie became a Hillclimb Champion in the 1920s and early '30s. His stellar career included winning all three national championship classes in 1926.
Orie Steele
Corrado Frera died in Milan.
Of French and German descent, in 1903 he established a workshop in Varese which became one of the great Italian motorcycle producers of the day. The Museo Frera celebrates his works.
Basil Henry Davies died this day.
Known throughout the motorcycle world as "Ixion" wrote of the Excelsior which he rode in 1902, a History of James Motorcycles, and a great deal more.
B.H. Davies (Ixion)
Fabio Taglioni makes the first sketches for the Ducati V-twin. In August a prototype was built, and the styling was refined by Leopoldo Tartarini.
Fabio Taglioni