Laverda Motorcycles

Laverda Motorcycles

Laverda Logo

tomandchoedon at
1974 Laverda SFC
Hi there, just wondering if you sell these Laverda transfers suitable to stick onto a tank?
Kind regards
Tom Coventry
Mona Vale

Tue Dec 06 2016
mino.basile at
Rear saddle
Laverda 100 turismo 1955
Hi to all, I'm searching for a rear saddle for a Laverda 100 turismo made 1955. Someone may help me?

Mon Jun 20 2011
paul at
air box removal
Laverda SF2
can anyone tell me what jetting to use if i remove the airbox and replace it with bellmouths also would i have to alter the timing please
cheshire uk

Tue Apr 27 2010
brad-23<at>hotmaildot com
Hi my name's Brad. I'm a huge motorcycle lover although i lost my sight when i was 11. I'm now 27 and still love motorcycles. Because i can't ride them i collect anything to do with motorbikes. I've got a great collection but i don't have any Laverda gear in it. So i was wondering if you could send me some stickers or something. If you could thanks very much.Thanks heaps for your time. 
Brad Chapman
161 GoodFellows 
Murrumba Downs Brisbane 4503

Thu Mar 11 2010
laverda chott
Wanted Bosch flywheel part number 0212 199 014 Maybe fitted to other european m/c's
Devon England

Laverda 250 Chott, a two-stroke of 246,9cc and 26 hp, equipped with a double electronic ignition and double spark plugs (twin spark), ...

Thu Apr 30 2009
salvaleonrojo at hotmaildot com
laverda 500 f1
hola tengo una moto para reparar y le han quitado algunas piezas,os digo las que son y haber si se pueden conseguir, los dos arboles de lebas, cadena de distribución, tapa de valancines, carburadores, regulador de corriente, un baso de las valvulas, kit juntas de motor, y si me podeis conseguir los pares de apriete y despiece del motor tambien me hace falta. aquí no encuentro nada de esto, haver si me pudierais ayudar, muchas gracias, un saludo

Sat Dec 05 2009
rmilos at
Laverda Jota
I am after clip ons as standard equipment back in the day
Sydney Australia

Jan 2009
The pictures of this mail show an EGLI LAVERDA one of 11 which were originally produced ...
Listed under Egli

Thu Feb 19 2009
ron.ebert at harley-davidsondot com
1978 Laverda JOTA
I'm puting together the Jota back together from a basket case project.I need good pictures on how the wiring is put together and laid thru the frame and headlight
Thanks Ron
Wisconsin U.S.AMany manuals listed here: books-manuals.htm

Fri Apr 11 2008
ednew62 at
LAVERDA RGS1000 1985
This bike is rebuilt and for sale to the highest bidder

Tue Apr 08 2008
info at
poor turning over power
laverda strike 750
have a bike in workshop
poor cranking. starter been tested, new solenoid.
does this bike have a decompressor on the engine?
west sussex England

Sat Apr 05 2008
dazat at
the value of a RGS
laverda RGS
I have an RGS 1000 with 36000 original KM's in good condition what would it be worth ball park figure
BrisbaneOur page on Classic Motorcycle Prices may help with evaluation.

Thu Nov 29 2007
gmillerx at
Jota Clutch Plates
1980 Jota
Hi all, a quick question.. I've just pulled the clutch apart on my 80 Jota as they were well n truely stuck together..and have discovered that instead of the 13 plates there are 14!!.. the inner two connected by two small springs on opposite outer edges (a gap in the 'teeth' allowing for fixing). When removed the plates were rotated to put the springs under tension.. there was no metal plate between these two. If you've seen it you'll know what I mean. There is no mention in any of the manuals of this kind of set up. My Q is... what does this set up achieve.. why are the inner two plates rotated (as clutch actuation would have no effect on the springs behavior seeing that the plates sit in grooved guides..and without a metal plate between them..??)

Should I just junk the 'extra' plate ..or get rid of the springs and slot a metal plate between them.. or refit it as it came out , but how do I rotate the inner plates to put the springs under tension? and if they come off , what kind of mayhem will occur?
I just don't get it.. Looking for some clarity.. I want to get this thing back on the road asap.. Cheers, thanks .. Geoff.

Mon Oct 15 2007
stefano-ing-gentile at
As new ( photo available) 6.000km only absolutely rare model all original documents 3000 euro photo available
Rome - Italy

Sat Oct 06 2007
simon at
what to do
lavera jota 80 with fairing
i have the jota built for p k davis to race on the IOM with the engine and a standard spare motor what should i do with it now i have had the bike from 1982
somerset england

Sat Aug 25 2007
f.malley at
where is it now
laverda 1200 mirage
does anybody know the whereabouts of a laverda 1200 mirage reg YGO 50W if your the owner could you send me a picture of it as it is now, as it was once my pride an joy..frank.

Mar 26 2007
I send you more pics of my laverda 500, 1982, (reborn 2007), factory nr.(chassis) LAV 3723, place Croatia, Sv. I. Zelina (nr Zagreb). I have still two Laverda 500 for restoration, I will send you pics when we finished.
Davor Mubrin
(Laverda Fun)

Wed Mar 21 2007
ured1 at
Laverda 500 1982
My Laverda 500
Croatia, Zagreb

Wed Jan 24 2007
bglover100 at
starter motor
Laverda jota 1978
please could you put me in touch with any one who can supply me with a new starter motor for a jota i aqm trying to restore
doncaster englandTry browsing the Laverda directory at Bikelinks:

Sat Nov 04 2006
bjc32496 at
laverda for sale
1970 750sf
A completly restored 1970 750sf

Mon Oct 16 2006
jpmn777 at msn dot com
Laverda 750SF
I have a chance to buy one and was wondering about their value in decent condition.
Pittsburgh, Pa., USA

The page on Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful.

Wed May 31 2006
pat.ormsby at
special jota,s
laverda jota
can you tell me what was so special about the last four hundred of them. jotas that is.

Wed May 17 2006
jillhrynda at yahoo dot com
1983 Laverda RGA 1000 Jota
Is the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) located in more than one place on the bike, or just on the VIN Plate?
Part of the number is printed/part is etched, and the printed part is too hard to read?
Is it anyplace other than that?
New York Just the one, but the printing on the plate from another similar Laverda should be the same, I think. Ed.Thank you for your help. I have VIN numbers for 1981 & 1982 Jota's but no other 1983's to compare. We are trying to get a title for the bike. It was purchased out of state, and the title was never sent 20 yrs ago. The purchaser has passed away and the seller who was a car/bike dealer died last year and had sold the dealership prior to his death and the new owner of the dealership's records don't go back to 1986.

This is getting frustrating...

But thank you for your confirmation, now we can stop combing the bike for something we won't find!


Thu Jan 19 2006
alarmdoctor at
I have bought a Mirage 1200 that needs a primary drive cover, ac generator cover and new magnetic pickups. Where can I get these spares? or a bike being stripped for spares? They are rare here in South Africa.
brianTry browsing the Laverda section of Bikelinks.

Sat Dec 10 2005
patbarclayrsa at yahoo dot com
Laverda Mirage 1200
I have a Laverda 1200 in storage in South Africa.I am trying to sell the bike (long story) Do u Guys have anyone interested to buy it?
I have a pic and any details needed/

The bike has about 30000 kms on it. I actually bought it with 2900 kms it was virtually new.
It is in storage now for several years, I had no intention of selling it. I left South Africa on a small ! vacation and it just got extended all the time, I am now married in Bulgaria.
I am looking around to sell the bike and to find prices for it?
I would be grateful for your advice.
Thanks Patrick

Sun Oct 02 2005
skunkissumgoodshit69 at yahoo dot com
laverda montjuic
i have a original petrol tank for the montjuic never been used looking to sell was part of a racing import at the end of 1986. please contact me on 07849177450 thank you.

Fri Sep 16 2005
jon.blackwell at kahsystems dot com
Laverda 1200 Sport
Hi, I'm doing a bit of research for work and was looking for some info on the Laverda 1200 Sport (circa 1982) and any differences between it and the 1200T, Any info would be appreciated and especially any photos
Many thanks

Tue Jul 05 2005
dave at
laverda atlas 600CC
i am in need of new valves for this motor

Laverda Logo Laverda Italy

I recently created new M/C Registries for the following brands:
Moto Morini
Check it out at
H. Marc Lewis -- marcl at moto.micapeak dot com

March 9, 1998
Late Sunday night I set up a list for Laverda enthusiasts. Details can be found on the email lists page of my web site.
Michael Moore
Euro Spares, SF CA
Distributor of Lucas RITA and Powerbase products
Sole North American distributor of "The Racing Motorcycle: a technical guide for constructors"
Host of 6 m/c email lists (details on the web site)


If you have a query or information about Laverda motorcycles please contact us