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Yankee 460Z 1971-1973
Photographed at the
Museo de la Motocicleta Española
Mike Ricketts
Yankee Motorcycles
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Yankee 460Z 1971-1973
Yankee 500 Z 1972 Poster
Yankee Z 500cc 1972 Advertisement
Yankee 1972 Advert
Optimism the Sunday before. Barry, Charlie and Dave at our "garage".
As the week wore on, Vincent was holding his gold and enjoying the ride. His stops for fuel and refreshment were always the most relaxed.
Charlie was interviewed on Czech TV, along with Don Woods (left) and Stan Czerny of Jawa.
That final morning, already 50 minutes late, Charlie gets a warming cup of tea at Homi Marsov gas stop.
Charlie heads home from the mountain hostel, Bob Ferb and Dave Eames helping him along.
Opening ceremonies took place in this ski jump stadium.
The Webco pit crew was very popular with the riders.
End of the Ride
Spectators had a good look at some of the stoney trails.
Schoolkids out to cheer on the riders in Rotkovice.
The way out each day saw much use.
Slogans abounded, here a rare one in English.
Bob Fielding checks in. Bob Ferb ran a gas stop all week.
Jilimenice Square, a gas stop all week. Paul Deane of Yankee talks to Charlie V.
Ron Webster turns back for another try that wet first morning. Dave Latham on the motocross course.
Yankee 1972 Z500 Ossa Twin
Yankee at Legend Concours 2006
British Motorcycle Books
Yankee Motorcycles