Hungarian Motorcycles

Panni Mopeds

Located in Csepel (District XXI, Budapest), Panni produced mopeds powered by the 49cc VT50 engine built at Székesfehérvár's Hunting Manufactory Factory, the same engine used in the Berva.

Prototypes appeared in 1957 and production began the following year.

The Panni was similar to the Berva, with leading link front forks and undamped rear swinging arm, and quite small wheels.

Another model, the Pannikat, was slightly less basic - it had a steering lock and a speedometer.

More expensive than the Berva, the Panni did not achieve good market penetration and sales suffered.

In April 1960 production was moved to the same factory which produced the Berva, and in early 1962 production came to a halt after some 15 or 20,000 mopeds had been built, the majority in the first factory in Csepel.

Source: Article at magyarjarmu.hu by Pál Négyesi