Manufactured by Alfred Bovy, 1920s-1930s
Boulevard de la Sauvenière, 110. Liége.
Built motorcycles for the military duing WWI, and in the 1920s and 30s produced machines powered by a variety of engines - Villiers, JAP, Blackburne and MAG. They had many successes in motorcycle racing.
Their catalogue for 1928 included models 500 JAP-Standard OHV "Doubleport" and single exhaust port (1 auspuff), and a 500 JAP sidevalve. The 1929 brochure had a Bovy-MAG 500 and La Petite Bovy (55 x 52mm, 1.5hp two-stroke, ladies and gents versions).
A competition model is displayed at the Musée de la Vie Wallonne in Liège.
It is thought that Alfred Bovy built his first motorcycles using Aubier-Dunne engines. The Aubier-Dunne firm was established in 1921.
Sources: François-Marie Dumas,
Le Salon Belge
Le Salon Belge, Moto Revue December 24th 1927