Featured Pages Swastika With the name derived from a Tibetan Buddhist symbol, it was built in South Australia.
SwastikaMuseo Frera An impressive collection!
Frera Museum, ItalyCollection de Maurice Chapleur One of the most important veteran collections in the world.
Chapleur Collection
Manufactured by Ets. Moto-Majestic, Bruxelles, 1928-1931.
Built motorcycles powered by JAP 350cc and 500cc SV and OHV engines, fitted with Burman gearboxes. Unrelated to George Roy's machines.
Source: Tragatsch p199.
mike at mikesimages.co.uk
I am in the process of sorting loads of old negatives and wonder if you could give me any info on this machine, I have tried all over the net but no luck
Image posted to Comments. Ed.