The miniature Max made its second appearance at the Stanley Show in an improved form. The engine pulley is geared down, permitting the use of larger pulleys. The engine is of 2 h.p., with Simms magneto, and the carburetter controlled from the handle-bar.
The Motor Cycle, December 9th 1908, page 968.
Max motorcycles were produced between 1907 and 1909 by Johnson and Phillips of Charlton in Kent.
This short-lived make first appeared as a 2hp motorcycle of the early scooter type. It had small-diameter wheels, no seat and the rider had to stand on footboards to control it.
It progressed to include a folding seat and was exhibited at the Stanley show, on the Louis Burn stand. The machine made little impact and soon disappeared.
1891 Name appeared in Advertising.
1894 Installation of the 'Kapp' alternator.
1905 Public company. The company was registered on 17 June, to take over the business of electrical, telegraph and general engineers.
1911 Issued catalogue on switch gear.
1911 Electrical Exhibition. Lamps, cables, generators, projectors, switchgear etc.
1914 Cable manufacturers, electrical engineers and contractors.
1920 Issued catalogue on overhead electric power transmission lines and other electric equipment.
1937 Advert in British Industries Fair Catalogue as Maker of C. M. A. (Cable Makers' Association) Cables. Manufacturers of Electric Wires and Cables for all purposes. (Electricity: Industrial and Domestic Section - Stand Nos. Cb.501 and Cb.400).
1937 Navigation, cockpit and identification lamps and aircraft cables.
1961 Manufacturers of electric cable, cable accessories, switch gear, transformers, capacitors, overhead line materials and submarine cable-laying gear. Specialists in the transmission transformation and control of electricity.
A British Freak Motorcycle.
An English motorcycle designer has produced what is appropriatly termed a "stand-up" machine although its real name is the Max. The wheels are very small, and the machinery is quite close to the ground. There is no seat, and the rider stands upon footboards which are on either side and slightly forward of the point at which the rear wheel comes in contact with the ground. As these boards have a clearance of not more than two inches, a poor or uneven highway might furnish the rider with the surprise of his life. A motorcycle upon which the rider can stand on one foot would seem to be the next problem for designers to attack.
Caption to image sent by Edric Boneham
Source: Graces Guide
edricleeboneham at gmail dot com
Another picture of a Max 1908 Motorcycle
Hi. I found another picture of a Max motorcycle (by Johnson and Phillips). It's from page 6 of: Motorcycle Illustrated vol. 3 (1908). The text below the picture is all there is related to the bike.
Edric Boneham
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