German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Alfi Three-wheelers

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured by Alfi Automobilgesellschaft mbH, Müllerstrasse 13, Berlin N 39

When AAA Aktiengesellschaft für Akkumulatoren- und Autobau closed its doors a former senior member of the firm, Alex Fischer bought the plant, moved it to a new Berlin address, and commenced production of small three and four wheeled cars and Lastendreiräder (cargo tricycles) under the Alfi marque. The three-wheeler had a 6 h.p. DKW engine. The fourwheeler was called the 2/10 PS.

Production continued until the end of 1927, when economic conditions in Germany had made things impossible for so many firms.

The Alfi four-wheeler car was of stunning appearance, in this writer's opinion.


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