Italian Motorcycles

Chesini Motorcycles

Chesini Logo

Historical Notes of the Marque

Established in 1925 by Gabriele Chesini at 3 Via Francia, Verona the firm built bicycles. They still do.


Wed Dec 30 2009
minchiettri at
I need information. thanks
Seeking nice about this model Chesini. I would like to restore it, was my grandfather.
Should be the year 1965.
The manufacturer is ITALIAN, Verona precisely.
Sorry for my English ..

Cerco gentili informazioni riguardo questo modello "CHESINI". Vorrei restaurarlo, era di mio nonno.
Dovrebbe essere dell'anno 1965.
Il costruttore è ITALIANO, di VERONA precisamente.
Scusate per il mio inglese..

Verona - ITALIA

Chesini Motorcycle
Chesini Motorcycle ca1965

If you have a query about Chesini motorcycles, or have some information to add about these classic Italian machines, please contact us