Hurley-Pugh Motorcycles

The Fettler

Issue No. 3

The Official Newsletter of the Hurley-Pugh Owners & Enthusiasts Club


Fettler index


It is time to address a subject which has long divided the Members of our Brave Brigade, that of the sad lacuna betwixt and between the Modernists and the Traditionalists.

For many years, communications have reached us from Lodges Imperial, Colonial and Foreign, as well as from many Individual Members, all, without exception, decrying the bitter feuding which has sporadically poisoned the good atmosphere this last decade. The Inner Steering Committee has finally been forced to meet and debate this vexed question, and the binding conclusion is as follows:

"No Hurley-Pugh motorcycle may be considered to be 'Authentic' unless assembled from no less than 90 per cent (by weight) certified 'Authentic' H-P parts, or parts fitted for sporting endeavour by FFS Ltd (Authorised Tuners). Any Hurley-Pugh motorcycle which fails to meet this Criterion may still be referred to in common usage as a Hurley-Pugh, but must have fitted to the nearside Thrunging Bracket a 3" pentagonal brass plate with the word "Replica" embossed in no less than 48-point type."

We are aware that this Ruling will cause machines previously referred to as Original to be recategorised as Replicas, but we take the view that contamination of the marque is the most heinous affront to those owners who have proper respect for their property. The Grand Lodge has been forced to this measure by what can only be termed "Malicious Falsification" of machines, even to the extent of one young spiv fitting a plastic catchment tank on the outflow of the lubrication system and lock-wiring the Thrung Sprockets of his Wildebeeste Clubman before presenting it for scrutineering at the Owners' Rally in Scunthorpe this year.

In order that we may quickly arrest this cancer of impropriety, your committee requires that all members should notify us of any potential Replicas known to them. The Club's Authentication Panel will then examine the owners' paperwork to establish lineage, and stern disciplinary measures will be taken against any member seeking to evade due process. A Certificate of Good Fellowship will be issued to members who report machines of improper provenance.


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