Dresch Motorcycles

Dresch 1930 Monobloc Illustration

Los perfiles en U tenian diferentes desarrollos y tanto la estructura frontal como las uniones laterales también eran estampadas, al igual que la horquilla delantera.

La transmisión final estaba compuesta por una junta elástica a la salida de la caja, de un eje y un par cónico alojado en una carcasa fijada al cuadro.

The U-profiles had different developments and both the front structure and side joints were also pressed-metal, as was the front fork.

The final transmission consisted of an elastic joint at the outlet of the housing, a shaft and helical bevel gears in a housing fixed to the frame. Contrary to what will be claimed in the advertisements, there was no cardan.

Dresch 500cc Monobloc

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Classic Motorcycle Books

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Dresch Motorcycles