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KD Lightweight, 1907
The K.D. Lightweight Motor Bicycle. The motor attachment for a pedal bicycle weights about 30lbs.
The Motor Cycle
July 17th, 1907
Keller-Dorian KD
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KD Auto Bicylette, Lyon c.1906
KD 1906, Lyon. Owner: Kees Koster
KD 1906, Lyon.
KD 1906, Lyon.
KD Spring Fork, 1907
KD Lightweight, 1907
KD 1908 Bicycle Engine
KD 1908 1¾ H.P. Motor Cycle
Keller-Dorian 1¾ hp
Keller-Dorian British Patent Diagrams 1906
Keller-Dorian Patent Diagram 1906
Keller-Dorian Patent Diagrams 1906
Keller-Dorian Patent Headers. France, Switzerand and Great Britain
Napoléon 1927 MGM Poster
Classic Motorcycle Books
French Marques