Australian Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Jackson Motorcycles

Jackson J.A.P. 89-h.p, G. M. Jackson, 34 2-5sec, 31 1-5Sec.

The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.) Mon 28 Sep 1908

The competitors in the motor cycle classes will be much about the same number as competed last year, although several of the prominent performers in the 1907 trials will, for various reasons, not be starting....

G. M. Jackson, with his 9 h.p. Jackson J.A.P. racer, will not, as far as I can learn, be competing in class "H." No doubt he prefers the luxurious upholstering of a Clement-Talbot car seat to the "give" of a B100 Brooks' saddle.

Examiner (Launceston, Tas) Tue 3 Nov 1908

The following year Jackson raced Napier cars in Launceston.

Source: Trove NLA

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