Australian Motorcycles

Radium Cycle Works

Alex Osborne Pty. Ltd., Burnie, Tasmania.

Purchased Thomas's Rambler Works in 1915. Believed to have marketed Radium and Radium Precision motorcycles from 1915 to 1923.

Advertised Raleigh motorcycles in 1924

AJS Dealer in 1934

    JUST Landed.— 1918 B.S.A. and Indian Motorcycles. Call, inspect. A. Osborne, Radium Cycle Works, Bur.
    BE ready for the wonderful A.B.C. Motor Cycle to arrive next month.
    Osborne, Burnie.
    Advocate Sat 4 Oct 1919 Trove NLA


The well-known enterprise of Mr. Alex Osborne, whose shop and works are situated in Wilson street, right in the middle Burnie, has been going ahead for many years. At the present time it may be said that these are, perhaps, the most up-to-date shop and works of their kind in Tasmania. Mr. Alex Osborne was trained from his boyhood to general engineering... During the past year he has devoted himself solely to the cycle and motor trade, which naturally came very easily owing to his thorough training in mechanical work. He has a large staff of workmen and an electrically-equipped workshop, which place him in a position to cope with any work whatever in the trade.

Mr. Osborne is sole manufacturer of the "Radium" and "Clyde" bicycles which are so well known on the coast. He is sole agent for all the leading British and American makes of motor cycles, including such famous names as the Indian, B.S.A., J.A.P., Rover, Douglas, Henderson and A.B.C. The last-named is a new British production by the famous Sopwith Aviation Co., and it is claimed that it is something unequalled in motor cycles. It is confidently anticipated that it will take a leading place in the market, as it has done in England.

As an example of the progress of this firm, it may be mentioned that during thc past week Mr. Osborne had installed the very latest credit system National cash register. It is a wonderful machine, which does away with practically all book-keeping. In fact, it almost thinks! The firm has made great strides in the past and will make greater ones in the future.

The Advocate, Wed 24 Dec 1919, Page 7 (Trove NLA )

There are at least two other Radium marques, the Italian SIAMT Radium of 1905, and a French machine of the which little is known.

If you have a query or information about this Australian machine please contact us