A Change of Name.
Mr. Harold Hayman has retired from the Viaduct Motor Co., in favour Mr. W. H. Layland, A.M.C.T., and in consequence the machine made by this firm will in future be known as the Ayres-Layland, instead of the Ayres-Hayman.
The Motor Cycle, March 18th, 1920.
The Ayres-Layland flat twin outfit, fitted with duplex spring frame.
One of the Most Recent Spring Frame Machines.
A Sidecar Outfit with Flat Twin Engine and Duplex Frame.
SOME months ago we described the design of the Ayres-Layland motor cycle, and we are now able to give photographs of the complete machine. As will be seen, the frame is of the duplex type, carrying the Coventry Victor engine on the lower horizontal members. The top tube is straight and inclined, at the rear end there is a wide casting which forms a saddle for the two quarter-elliptic springs. a substantial web is embodied behind the steering head.
A feature of the spring frame is the fact that the upright fork over the rear wheel is rigid with the chain stays, which latter carry the gear box. How the movement between the gear box and the quadrant is taken up is not clear, but as we are offered a trial on the machine at any early date, this matter can be dismissed for the present.
Long links hang from the vertical fork cross bar, and to these the springs are shackled. It will be noted that the springs, although horizontal on the saddles, are inclined upwards to the shackles. This construction apparently has been chosen in order to give a low saddle position without having to embody especially long links.
Large aluminium footboards are carried on transverse tubes extending right across the frame, and the mudguarding problem has not been lost sight of. The valances of the front guard are turned out at the bottom, and should prevent mud reaching the front cylinder.
The large tank is of the saddle type, completely enclosing the top tube, and altogether the machine, which is equipped with Sturmey-Archer gear, Brampton forks, and Wood-Milne 550x65 mm. tyres, appears to be a very attractive proposition. The makers are the Viaduct Motor Co., with works at Broadheath, near Manchester.
The Motor Cycle, June 3rd, 1920. Page 632
Sources: Graces Guide, The Motor Cycle.
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