Nover Motorcycles
Carte Postale:
BERTHET et Cie (S.A.) - 22, rue Olivier-de-Serres, LYON-VILLEURBANNE
Avec le Vélomoteur NOVER, vous avez solidité, confort, élégance et sécurité
Translation of French text on the back:
Having left Lyon on July 23, 1931, in order to prove the simplicity, the solidity and the
endurance power of the NOVER Moped, built in Villeurbanne (Rhône), M. G. DUCARD and his
Daughter have undertaken to tour Algeria and Tunisia by road, having for all resources only the
sale of their photo and ask you to give them a warm welcome.
craigs at
Questions, given this model does not have a clutch or should it have one, the issue is starting with the compression release and also when stopping which then means the engine is off when at a stop. any information on the company, history production dates, model information and contact information for parts.
appreciate any and all information on the bike, Thank You Working on making this unit run and rideable.
Craig Steggall
United States
Mon Oct 01 2007
herman.haek at
query for info/documentation
I am looking for any possible info concerning motorcycle NOVER equiped
with CHAISE engine
Lichtervelde (Belgium)
All I know it was manufactured in France, and they produced a model
with an auxiliary engine "Stainless" (???).
No other info available at all.
Best regards,
Herman Haek
If you have a query about Nover motorcycles please contact us