German Motorrad

Güldner Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured by Güldner Motorenfabrik & Eisengießerei.

Established in 1903 (or 1904), by Dr. Hugo Güldner and Prof. Dr. Carl von Linde, Rudolf Diesel's teacher, the company built large capacity sports motorcycles from 1924 to 1926. These were built after the manner of the OHV 500cc Norton, so much so that it is said that many parts were interchangeable. The machines were very reliable and did well on the track in the capable hands of Josef Klein, who later had achieved numerous laurels with DKW, Horex and Norton.

The firm was well-known for its stationary engines and, post-war, for tractors and commercial transport wagons.

N.B. Some sources give dates of 1925-26.

Sources: GTU Oldtimerservice, Axel Oskar Mathieu Archive.