Zweirad-Union was an amalgamation of the DKW,
Express and Victoria marques, based at the Victoria
Works in Nuremburg. It was joined by Hercules
in 1966, and soon afterwards the company was absorbed into the Fichel
& Sachs group.
Mon Sep 03 2012
bbaysinger<at>socal.rr dot com
I am trying to get some info on a recently acquired motorcycle.
Los angeles
The bike was marketed as a Victoria 115 & 155 in 1963 or thereabouts, and also as the DKW Hummel 115 & 155 in 1962, and as the Kleinkraftrad Express 115 and Express Kavalier 115/155.
Victoria-1963c-155.jpg posted 1209
Tue Mar 02 2010
zweiradunion AT vinduro.de
Zweirad Union
all all
Hi from Cologne/GER.
We want to inform that our e-mail adress has changed. zweiradunion<at>vinduro.de
is the correct adress, zweiradunion at six-days.eu isn't running anymore.
Leo Keller
Tue Jan 27 2009
zweiradunion at six-days.eu
Zweirad Union archive
Zweirad Union all
thanks to the Zweirad Union Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH we are happy to present
photos from the ZU archive: zweiradunion-ig.de ✝
(in German, but lots of rare photos)
Available at Archive org:
Sun Dec 30 2007
6er.gsm at gmx.de
For People who search spare partes for this mopeds try zweirad-union-mopeds.de