Italian Motorcycles

Velta Scooters

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured: 1939-40

In late 1940 Officine Meccaniche Vittorio Belmondo obtained a license from Volugrafo Aermoto of Turin to build the Motopattino, a scooter fitted with a 98cc Sachs engine. He named this the Simat before making substatial improvments to the design and renaming it the Velta, which had a somewhat similar appearance to the Vespa Paperino.

Although only a few were made, the machine exerted a significant influence on the design of the Italian scooter.

Vittorio Belmondo founded VAMA (Vendita Applicazioni Manufatti Autarchici), a company based at Via Galilei, Milano, for marketing mechanical parts and lubricating oils. It was dissolved in 1958.

An example of the Velta is in the collection of the Piaggio Museum.

Sources: MC Storico Conti,, et al.

If you have a query about Velta Scooters, or have some information to add about these classic Italian machines, please contact us