Moto-Réve Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Moto Reve for 1911

Moto Reve Co., Ltd.

Stand No. 93.

With an obvious "boom" in lightweight motor-cycles ahead, smart agents will immediately seek for this stand, because this particular firm are past-masters in the art of motor-cycle productions of the lightweight class. For 1911 they have two types, the 2.75 H.P. and the 2 H.P., the latter being obtainable with a dropped frame for the use of lady cyclists who are taking to motor-cycling, as many are. In both these types a free engine is provided, a point which seems to us to be particularly important so far as ladies are concerned, for it cannot be denied that starting is fixed engine machine by the mere pedalling is too great a strain upon many of the fair sex.

It will be noticed that there are a great number of detail improvements in the "Moto Reves" for the coming season, improvements too numerous to mention in a short space, but all tending to the general Perfection of the machine. Feeling perfectly confident that the next year will see an enormous demand for lightweight motor-cycles, we would. advise agents to make a careful inspection of the "Moto Reve" stand, because it will mean good business for them. It most be remembered that the firm make a point of dealing, so far as possible, with the trade, and that sole agencies for districts is a feature of their system of business. But apart from these purely business considerations it cannot be denied that the "Moto Reve" is a machine which ought to be seen by everybody interested in motor-bicycles of the lightweight class.

It has many excellent features, and it must be remembered that it is really built as a lightweight mount, and is not a kind of go-between.

Olympia Show, November 1910