
Today in Motorcycle History

Motorcycles at the 1910 Olympia Show

Cycle and Motorcycle Exhibition, November 1910

Air Springs, Ltd.

Stafford. Stand No. 267X.

The A.S.L. are staging seven motor-cycles, one pedal cycle, and a Triumph motor-cycle fitted with the A.S.L. 1911 seat-pillar spring. Our representative was informed that, later on, during the Show week, there will also be on view the world's fastest 2½ H.P. motor-cycle, the Martin A.S.L., which covered the kilometre at Brooklands on Aug. 17th in 32.76 secs. - a speed which works out at slightly over 68 miles per hour...

Continued: ASL

Alldays and Onions.

Matchless Works, Birmingham. Stands Nos. 82 and 83.

This firm have an extremely well-designed 3 H.P. motor-bicycle, up-to-date in every respect. The valves are mechanically-operated, and the engine is provided with a ball bearing crank shaft...

Continued: Alldays and Onions

Ariel Works.

Bournbrook, Birmingham. Stand No 40.

The Ariel motor-bicycles have square engines, that is to say, the bore and stroke are equal, both being in this case 85 mm. The valves are mechanically operated. A special feature of the 1911 de Luxe model is a device...

Continued: Ariel Motor Cycles, 1911

Bat Motor Manufacturing Co.

Kingswood Road, Penge, S.E. Stand No. 85.
The Bat has scored consistently for many years past, and by present indications it should certainly be "not out" at the close of 1911. The success of these machines has been largely due to the excellent spring fork and spring frame...

Continued: BAT 1911

Bayliss, Thomas and Co.

Coventry. Stand No. 39.
The Excelsior motor-bicycle has done much to uphold the old name during last season, and the new models may be expected to add to its fame. The standard pattern has a variable pulley giving gear variations between about 4 to 1 and 6 to 1, while a new model is introduced having a two speed gear in the back hub...

Continued: Bayliss, Thomas

Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd.

Birmingham. Stand No. 66.
In motor-bicycles the B.S.A. machine, for next season are certain to become popular, and the name of the makers is quite sufficient guarantee that neither of the patterns manufactured have been placed upon the market...

Continued: BSA Motorcycles 1910

Bradbury and Co., Ltd.

Wellington Works, Oldham. Stand No. 81.
The Bradbury motor-bicycle is introduced in two forms for 1911 namely, the roadster and the light roadster or Tourist Trophy, the latter weighing some 301bs...

Continued: Bradbury History

Brown Bros., Ltd.

Gt. Eastern Street, London. Stands No. 173-177.
The Brown motor-bicycle for 1911 has an engine of slightly larger bore and stroke than its predecessor of 1910, the dimensions being now 86 mm. by 86 mm...

Continued: Brown Brothers

J. T. Brown and Sons.

Reading. Stand No. 269, Annexe.
The Midget Bi-car is a motor-cycle with a personality. It is in appearance quite distinct from the majority...

Continued: Midget Bi-car

Calcott Bros., Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 59.
The Calcott 3.5 H.P. motor-cycle is of neat yet distinctive appearance. The steering head, with Druid spring fork, has an easy rake, and the handlebars are designed for comfort. A nicely panelled tank and low rearward position of saddle, together with the centrally hung engine, combine in making this a smart-looking machine. The engine is of 85 mm. bore x 85 mm, stroke, and is built by White and Poppe. The Bosch magneto is driven by a chain in an oil-bath case, and is protected by an ample patent leather, screen, which reaches down below the silencer. The B. and B. or Amac carburetter is fitted to choice. Transmission is by rubber belt and a foot-operated brake acts on the belt rim. The pedal for this brake is anchored to the frame forward of the engine and not on the footrest, a point which saves trouble in case of damage to the footrest by a spill. The other Calcott model is a lightweight, fitted with single cylinder of 62 mm. x 70 mm; Bosch magneto, Druid spring forks, and a Lycett saddle are fitted, the machine complete being priced at £32. The price of the 3.5 H.P. model is 45 guineas.

Calcott Brothers

Calthorpe Motor-cycle Works.

Birmingham. Stand No. 52.
The six Calthorpe models illustrate three different patterns of motor-bicycles. The standard touring machine is fitted with an engine measuring 86mm. in the bore and 88 in the stroke. This is rated at 3.75 H.P., and we should think this power is by no means over-estimated...

Continued: Calthorpe Motor Co

Chater-Lea, Ltd.

Golden Lane, London. Stand No. 248.
This is one of the most important stands to the trade. Chater-Lea stuff is good and Chater-Lea goods can generally be found to suit any special want, whether it is a lug or a runabout, a three-speed gear or a wrinkle, which last is often worth so much and costs less than little...

Continued: Chater-Lea Models

H. Collier and Sons, Ltd.

18 Herbert Road, Plumstead, S.E. Stand No. 43.
The "Matchless" motor-bicycles are very well known by reason of their many successes upon the racing track and also in numerous trials. Amongst the improvements which will be noticed in the new models are a new free wheel on the rear hub...

Continued: Matchless

Corah Motor Mfg. Co.

King's Norton. Stand No. 72A.
This is a very attractive exhibit, introducing as it does the first serious attempt to produce a motor-cycle fitted with a piston valve engine. the engine generally follows standard lines, but the valve chamber is enlarged...

Continued: Corah

Douglas Bros.

Kingswood, Bristol. Stand No. 89.
Probably there is no more saleable motor-bicycle on the market than the Douglas. It is a machine that has steadily improved, and the programme offered for 1911 is a most inviting one. It includes several different models, one having a partly-open frame...

Continued: Douglas

East London Rubber Co., Ltd.

Gt. Eastern Street, London, E.C. Stands No. 51 and 202.
This firm show the well-known "Kerry" motor-bicycles for next season...

Continued: Kerry

The Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.

Redditch. Stand No. 75.
The Enfield motor-bicycle has had a very good season, the little Kharki twin being frequently met on the roads. A still better season is anticipated in 1911, and one or two material alterations are introduced. Firstly, the power has been increased, the bore and stroke being now respectively 54 and 75 millimeters, the present-day popularity of the long stroke being fallen in with...

Continued: Enfield Cycle Co

F. B. Goodchild and Co., Ltd.

London. Stand No. 31.
The "A.C." sociable tricars, for which this company are sole selling agents, have become well-known by reason of their many successes this year. Practically no alterations have been made in the new models, but types showing the various applications to which these machines are...

Continued: A.C. Sociable

Grandex Cycle Co., Ltd.

28 Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. Stand No. 46.
This is a new firm to exhibit motor-cycles. The Grandex lightweight has a H.P. Jap or Precision engine, Druid spring forks, Lycett saddle and rubber belt, and Amac or Brown and Barlow carburetter. The B.S.A. free-wheel hub is fitted, Bowden brake on the front wheel, and pulley brake on the back...

Continued: Grandex

Green's Motor Patents Syndicate, Ltd.

55 Berners Street, London, W. Stand No. 94.
It is several years since the Green Motor was introduced to the Shows, but it has not been idle meanwhile, as witness the aviation exploits accomplished with it. Watercooling is the Green watchword...

Continued: Green Engine Co

Hendee Manufacturing Co.

184 Gt. Portland Street, London, W. Stand No. 58.
The "Indian" motor-cycles have made a great name for themselves during the past season, and the patterns for 1911 will certainly increase their fame. In the first place it will be noticed that the fixed drive has been entirely done away with both in the single and twin-cylinder types..

Continued: Hendee Manufacturing

Hobart Bird and Co., Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 37.
Hobart Bird and Co. have done very well with the Handy Hobart during this season and have quite an extensive assortment of motor-cycles for next year. One of these is the Hobart lady's bicycle...

Continued: Hobart Motorcycles for 1911

F. Hopper and Co.

Barton-on-Humber. Stand No. 88.
These motor-cycles have a well chosen name in the "Torpedo." There are two patterns, the 3½ H.P. with ball bearing motor, adjustable pulley having ratios from 4 to 1 to 1, Brown and Barlow carburetter, and 2-lin. tyres. The light-weight has a 2 H.P. motor, Amac carburetter, 6 to 1 gear, and 14 studded tyres. Simms magnetos and Lyso belts are used in both cases, while the tyres are Dunlops. The weight of the full roadster with carrier and stand is reckoned at 160 lbs., while the light-weight is well under 100 lbs.

Continued: Torpedo

Humber, Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 53.
The 1911 Humber motor-bicycles comprise the latest edition of the well-known 3 H.P. touring model and the 2 H.P. which was introduced during last season. In its simpler form, the 3 H.P....

Continued: Humber 1909-1919

James Cycle Co.

Birmingham. Stand No. 49.
The James motor-cycle was one of the biggest novelties at the last Show, and it is safe to predict that few will attend this without inspecting the exhibit. The open frame, which permits access to and replacement of a tyre without disturbing the wheel... It is offered in both the Tourist and T.T. types...

Continued: James 1902-1919

Lloyd Motor and Engineering Co.

132 Monument Road, Birmingham. Stand No. 95a.
The 1910 model L.M.C. has proved good enough to retain without substantial alteration for 1911; but an alternative pattern is introduced for short riders, the frame of this being brought down some 3ins. lower at the back so that the reach from the saddle...

Continued: Lloyd Motor Engineering Co

Maudes Motor Mart.

Stand No. 271.
Of the machines handled by this firm many are well-known models, for which they are selling agents. These include the Ariel, Enfield, Rex, Motosacoche, A.J.S., Matchless, Hobart Bird. F.N., etc. In addition, they have now introduced a motor-cycle, and also a side car of their own, under the name "Portland."

Continued: Portland


Coventry. Stand No. 33a.
As one of the few firms who lead the way in the sidecar market Messrs. Mills-Fulford are justly famed for the popularity accorded to their models. They have fitted their cars to practically all standard types of motor-cycles, and the experience thus gained has proved of immense value to them in catering for the growing demand. One of the chief drawbacks in the use of the side-car has been the difficulty experienced with some makes in securing easy and rapid attachment or detachment, but the 1911 Millford sidecars will all be fitted with a new form of clip, which makes it possible, and certain to effect the result desired in less than a couple of minutes. Previous patterns relied largely upon a shank fitting tightly into a tube, an arrangement which sometimes had a tendency to stick. The new method gives us a threaded shank which enters easily, and when in position is securely locked by a large nut and spring washer.

Of the models the well-known Radial Castor wheel is now to be had in a heavier type for high powered machines, and in this the wheel is supported from the back as well as the front. The spring wheel design is also to be obtained fitted with a high grade coach-built body as well as those of wicker or cane. The popular rigid side-car, which undoubtedly has most, adherents, retails with a plain-wicker clime at eight guineas, and with a smartly upholstered cane chair at eleven guineas. The firm are also marketing a cheaper model, called the "Herald," at as low a figure as six guineas.

Milford side-cars are also to be had adapted for tradesmen's use; the frame is low to admit a large hamper or box, and the design should appeal to those who specialise in quick delivery of goods by economical means. A very special point is the spring bolt attachment to the back connection, where a spring bolt passes through the joint and is retained by a peg-cottar, held by a countersunk slot, but easily removed by means of a ring. This bolt can be taken out in less than one second.


Montgomery and Co.

45 Queen's Road, Coventry. Stand No. 47.
This firm, which was the first to introduce the flexible side-car; have no fewer than six different models for next season, each varying in price, from £8 to £14 10s. For some seasons past the "Montgomery" system of attachment has been well-known, and it has proved a great success...

Continued: Montgomery and Co.

Morgan and Co.

Worcester Road, Malvern. Stand No, 250X.
In order to meet the growing demand for a runabout, capable of accommodating one person and a goodly quantity of luggage in a more comfortable position than the standard type of motor-cycle affords, this firm are introducing their latest model. It has a spring frame, with tiller steering, carries either a 4 or an 8 H.P. air-cooled J.A.P. engine the fore part, and is fitted with a metal-to-metal clutch and two-speed gear, and weighs complete about 4 cwt. The low, comfortable seating, and the absence of danger from skidding in wet weather must commend this machine to notice.

Morgan and Co.

Moto Reve Co., Ltd.

Stand No. 93.
With an obvious "boom" in lightweight motor-cycles ahead, smart agents will immediately seek for this stand, because this particular firm are past-masters in the art of motor-cycle productions of the lightweight class. For 1911 they have two types, the 2.75 H.P. and the 2 H.P., the latter being obtainable with a dropped frame for the use of lady cyclists who are taking to motor-cycling, as many are. In both these types a free engine is provided, a point which seems to us to be particularly important so far as ladies are concerned, for it cannot be denied that starting is fixed engine machine by the mere pedalling is too great a strain upon many of the fair sex.

It will be noticed that there are a great number of detail improvements in the "Moto Reves" for the coming season, improvements too numerous to mention in a short space, but all tending to the general Perfection of the machine. Feeling perfectly confident that the next year will see an enormous demand for lightweight motor-cycles, we would. advise agents to make a careful inspection of the "Moto Reve" stand, because it will mean good business for them. It most be remembered that the firm make a point of dealing, so far as possible, with the trade, and that sole agencies for districts is a feature of their system of business. But apart from these purely business considerations it cannot be denied that the "Moto Reve" is a machine which ought to be seen by everybody interested in motor-bicycles of the lightweight class.

It has many excellent features, and it must be remembered that it is really built as a lightweight mount, and is not a kind of go-between.

Moto Reve for 1911

Motosacoche, Ltd.

Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. Stand No. 36.
Very little alteration has been made in the Motosacoche for next season, for the very simple reason that the machine as a whole has proved so satisfactory and popular that it is difficult to see where improvement is possible....

Continued: Motosacoche Ltd (GB)

New Hudson Cycle Co., Ltd.

Birmingham. Stand No. 64.
For the second time in the history of the wheel world a New Hudson motor-cycle is exhibited at the annual show, and to specially mark the occasion the company have something quite out of the ordinary to attract and claim attention. A lightweight that will go anywhere and do anything. That is the proposition. Bold, if you will, but the provision made to this end is certainly good enough to warrant a. big possibility of success. Let us look at it more closely. A neat design of frame and power unit, beautifully flashed and fitted out with the best quality of accessories, a genuine modele de luxe. The engine is of 4 H.P. powerful enough to take one a long way without undue effort. But should a hill meet one there is a three-speed gear, surely sufficient for the most uncompromising gradient.

For traffic work there is a free engine, a refinement the value of which can be easily gauged. The frame of the machine is cut away at the saddle pillar leg to allow a low position for the saddle. The tank is shaped to correspond with the curve of the frame, and is also bevelled, producing a neat effect. The lever for operating the change speed gear is clipped to the left side of the tank at its rear end, where it is easily accessible. The specification is completed by Dunlop non-skid tyres and Brooks saddle. The list price is 45 guineas.

Other New Hudson models are the lightweight without change speed gear at 35 guineas and the 3.5 H.P. at 48 guinea. After the many interesting features of the three-speed lightweight, these latter appear ordinary, yet the 3.5 H.P. is a machine likely to make a big name for itself in the near future. We were very much impressed by its smart and workmanlike appearance.

New Hudson

The Norton Mfg. Co., Ltd.

Deritend Bridge, Birmingham. Stand No, 56.
Mr. Norton has an exceptionally good team of motor bicycles for 1911, and it is impossible to do justice to them within the narrow limits of a Show report...

Continued: Norton Motorcycles

The N.S.U. Motor Co., Ltd.

186 Gt. Portland Street, London, W. Stand No. 91.
In addition to the 1½ and 2½ H.P. - the latter of the twin-cylinder class - which this firm have manufactured with such success during the past season, and which will - with sundry detail improvements - be...

Continued: N.S.U. Motor Co., Ltd.

Nye and Co.

69 Leather Lane, Holborn, S.C. Stand No. 43.
Nye and Co. enter the motor arena, with machines of their own for, the first time. They are called the N. and C., and are of two separate patterns, the tourist and lightweight...

Continued: R. G. Nye and Co

Phelon and Moore, Ltd.

12 Mortimer Street, London, W. Stand No. 87.
The 3.5 H.P. model for the coming season embodies a free engine and two-speed gear. The valves are mechanically operated and the drive is by means of a chain. A feature of the machine is the very low saddle position...

Continued: Phelon and Moore, Ltd.

Premier Cycle Co., Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 63.
The Premier motor-bicycles still consist fundamentally of a 3.5 H.P. single cylinder model and a 3 H.P. twin, but there are three embodiments of the former to one of the latter. It is the twin, however, that attracts most attention. Several changes are noticeable from last season's pattern. The fly-wheel is now enclosed, and the cylinders are no longer at 90 degrees. Although the angle has been reduced an ingenious device has been adopted for retaining the equal firing intervals. One of the big ends bears direct on the big end in the usual way, but the other takes the form of a pair of sheaves bearing on eccentrics formed each side of the first big end.

The inlet valves are inverted and are operated mechanically by long rods and rocker arms. The magneto is arranged behind the crank case and is gear driven. Double cams are employed, one part operating the exhaust valve direct, and the other lifting the inlet rod through an interposed lever. The exhaust pipes are straight and each delivers into its own silencer. The radiating fins are horizontal, and the sparking plugs are directed fore and aft and are much more accessible than in some machines.

The lubrication of the two cylinders is equalised by making the area of the apertures - the flanges at the top of the crank case of smaller area in the rear cylinder than in the front. Turning now to the single cylinder patterns, these also have a new engine. The auxiliary exhaust release consisting of a port at the bottom of the piston stroke was introduced during last season, but has now been considerably improved. A separate pipe but the port in direct communication with the muffler, and a non-return valve prevents interference with the fresh charges of mixture. In the new adjustable pulley the movable flange is locked by right and left-hand threads, and a washer of special form provides an almost direct lock to the shaft.

One of the single cylinder models is fitted with the new Premier free engine clutch, and yet another is constructed as a T.T. racer. Speaking generally, the rider's comfort has received attention on the 1911 Premiers by lowering the saddle, improving the foot-rests and reducing the noise, the means for silencing the tappet gear being very well thought out. The Premier agency is a good one to get, and there are a few vacant districts.

Premier Cycle Co.

Premier Motor Co.

Aston Road, Birmingham. Stand No. 77.
The Premier Motor Co. have a particularly attractive bill of fare to offer for 1911. The two-stroke 3½ H.P. single machine has not been greatly altered, as it was found quite satisfactory during the past season...

Continued: Premier Motor Co.

Quadrant Motor Co.

Coventry. Stand No. 270 Annexe.
Three models comprise the arrangements for the 1011 Quadrant motor-cycles, these being the standard 4 HP., a 4 H.P. for passenger work, and a 2 H.P. lightweight...

Continued: Quadrant Motor Co.

The Rex Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Earlsdon, Coventry. Stand No, 62.
The Rex Co. naturally have a very fine exhibit, and it will be seen that there are several improvements, notably in the twin-cylinder patterns, all of which now have mechanically-operated inlet valves...

Continued: Rex Models for 1911

The Rover Co., Ltd.

Meteor Works, Coventry. Stand No. 68.
Riders and agents alike welcome the return of the Rover Co., to the ranks of motor-cycle manufacturers. As might be expected, the Rover Co. have not restarted where they left off. Good as was the old Rover in its day, this new model is a great deal better. The engine has a single cylinder, with 85 mm. bore and 88 mm. stroke - very popular dimensions...

Continued: Rover Motorcycles 1910

Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd.

Coventry. Stands Nos. 45 and 55.
This is one of the most important accessions to the motorcycle ranks, and the machines show considerable originality while being on strictly popular general lines. To begin with the motor. This has a single cylinder of 85 mm. bore by 88 mm. stroke, and the head is now made in one piece with the walls. The valves are both arranged in front of the cylinder, and both are mechanically operated, the exhaust direct and the outlet by rod and rocker mechanism.

The magneto is set in an upright position in front of tine motor, and its armature is driven direct by tine shaft that actuates the inlet valve. The inlet port is directed rearward across the top of the head, and is coupled up to the Brown and Barlow carburetter, which is, of course, handlebar controlled.

The frame is of the dropped back type, with an angle at the nose of the saddle; the chain stays are just about in line with the motor shaft, as they should be. Belt transmission is employed in conjunction with an adjustable pulley. In some cases a multiple plate clutch is fitted to the. engine pulley, and this should afford a very pleasant control of the machine. The handlebars are of good dimensions, and the handles are set at a good angle. They are fitted with inverted levers operating tine rim brake on tine front wheel and the exhaust valve lifter. The front fork is a nicely designed low and spring girder, and is coupled up to the head by top and bottom links. A single encased spring serves to take up both the shocks and the rebound.

In addition to the footrests between the crank case and exhaust box, the pedals are adapted to serve as footrests, as tine right pedal can be turned through half a revolution so as to bring it into line with the left one when required. The silencer is fitted with a cut out. The rear brake consists of a block, which is forced into the groove of the back pulley. It is pedal operated and should be very powerful. The front guard is of good length, and the rear one is hinged to the tubular carrier, and can be raised when it is necessary to get at the back wheel. Returning to the motor for a moment, it should be noted that the radiating flanges are deepest where the heat is greatest, and grow shallower towards the crank case.

The valves measure 13 ins. (??) across the head, and the piston is flat topped and has a single ring at each end. An over-balancing spring helps to hold the stand up or down, and the tool bag and number plate are neatly attached to the carrier.

Rudge Motorcycles 1909-1919

Scott Engineering Co., Ltd.

Mornington Works, Bradford. Stand No. 32.
Few motor-cycles have drawn no much attention - and respect - on their introduction as the Scott. The bore and stroke of the two-cycle two-cylinder engine are 70 mm. And 64 mm. respectively...

Continued: Scott Motorcycle History

The Service Co., Ltd.

High Holborn, London. Stand No. 84.
This stand is devoted to the Wanderer motor-bicycles which aroused so much interest when introduced by the Service Co. last year. The 1.5 H.P. single and 3 H.P. twin remain the leading lines, and the gear-reducing, belt-adjusting engine pulley, and spring frame are the main specialities. A considerable improvement has been made by arranging the control on the handlebar. Not only the carburetter, but the spark is now operated in this simple manner.


Singer and Co. (1909), Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 65.
The selection offered by the Singer Co. comprises four models, the 3.5 H.P. standard roadster, the 3.5 H.P. T.T. model in the big class, and the 1.5 H.P. Moto Velo, with a similar machine specially designed and equipped for ladies.

Everyone is familiar with the history of this smart little lightweight, its End-to-End Record made in July last proving its ability to stand up under a grueling ride. The Moto Velo for 1911 shows several improvements. A lower frame combined with new type of handle-bar brings it more in keeping with standard motor-cycle design, while the fact that the rider is able easily to reach the ground while astride the machine engenders greater confidence, a matter which will thus particularly recommend it in the lady's model. In addition, footrests, a belt rim brake applied by the foot, and wider mudguards are fitted. The retail price, £33 15s., should commend it to many. The 4 H.P. model is a new comer, and immediately appeals to one's notice by reason of its neat and workmanlike appearance. The finish of the frame in black, with tank enamelled aluminium with green panels, and held in place by lugs engaging with the lower tube in place of the more usual clips round the top tube, presents quite a smart effect.

Coming to the more technical details, the single-cylinder engine is well hung, and with the magneto, driven by enclosed gearing, together with the reminder of the power unit, carburetter, petrol and oil pipes, and high tension lead, further enhances the neat appearance noticeable in a well designed machine. The engine has a bore and stroke of 85 mm. by 88 mm., the cubic capacity of 499 bringing it just inside the standard class. It has double ball bearings to the main engine shaft, and with mechanically-operated inlet and exhaust valves of ample proportions should render a good account of itself both as a speedy and flexible running mount. A variable pulley is fitted, also a kick-up stand and strong carrier of tubular steel. Special type of girder spring forks complete the specification.

Singer and Co.

A. J. Stevens and Co., Ltd.

Retreat Street, Wolverhampton. Stand No. 71a.
This firm exhibit four different models of motor cycles, two wills twin cylinder engines of 3.5 H.P., the model A being belt-driven, whilst the model B is chain-driven, and is provided with a very neat two-speed gear and a free engine...

Continued: A. J. Stevens and Co.

Swift Cycle Co., Ltd.

Coventry. Stand No. 57.
The "Swift-Ariel" motor-bicycle has not been altered in general design, but a good many detail improvements which appeal to the experienced rider have been made. Not the least of these is the complete encasing of the magneto, so that it is impossible for this delicate and important part...

Continued: Swift Cycle Co.

Triumph Cycle Co.

Coventry. Stand No. 79.
The complete protection of the working parts has been the aim of the Triumph Co. so far as their motor-bicycles are concerned, and although the firm adhere to the 3½ H.P. engine, which has proved so successful in the past, sonic very material improvements are to be noticed. So far as the ordinary machine is concerned, it will be noted that the magneto is chain-driven, and that the chain is completely enclosed in an aluminium case. The crank shaft runs on ball bearings as heretofore, but a modification has been made by the adoption of spring tappets so that the hammering of the valves is considerably reduced and the motor is rendered much more quiet. The oil and petrol taps are now provided with gauze strainers, and this detail whilst small in itself, will be appreciated by the tourist, who has suffered from dirty petrol owing to defective or broken funnels. Most of the "Triumph" specialities, including the variable pulley and spring forks, are retained, and an additional feature will be a special carrier, which will still further appeal to the tourist. A front wheel stand is provided, and is so designed that when it is folded it forms auxiliary mudguard stays.

The free engine model is practically the same as the standard pattern, with the addition of a plate clutch in the rear wheel. This adds but little to the weight. The pedalling gear is very much lowered, so that the engine will start practically with one thrust of either foot. With regard to the Tourist Trophy model, it will be noticed that the wheel base is shorter, owing to the absence of any form of pedalling gear.

We certainly think that the "Triumphs" for 1911 will fully maintain the high position these machines have held in the past, and we predict a great demand for them from the ever-increasing army of touring motor-cyclists.

Triumph Motorcycle Company

Victoria Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd.

Glasgow. Stand No. 190 Gallery.
Probably the most interesting exhibit upon this stand is the new 3 H.P. motor-cycle that is being shown by the firm for the first time. Although the price at which it sells is extremely low, there is certainly nothing cheap about design, equipment or finish. Magneto ignition is employed, and all controls are arranged on the handlebar. The foot brake, acting on the rim of the back wheel, is operated by a small pedal more conveniently placed to the driver's left foot than is usually the case. The equipment includes amongst other important features, Druid spring forks, Dunlop tyres, and Brown and Barlow carburetter. The remainder of the exhibit is occupied by a good display of pedal machines, both in diamond and drop frame patterns. By the way, export buyers should not fail to obtain particulars of the "Export" model.

Victoria of Glasgow

V.S. Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.

London. Stand No. 42.
The fame gained by the "VS" in first establishing and later beating the End-to-End side-car record has placed this machine right in the front rank for passenger work. A well-designed, constructed and smartly finished motor-cycle, equipped with a most reliable engine (the Peugeot), and a really excellent two-speed gear...

Continued: Vindec Motor Cycle Co.

A. W. Wall, Ltd.

Hay Mills, Birmingham. Stand No. 90.
The Roc stand is, if possible, a greater attraction than ever before, and it is never lacking in interest. The two principal features cast their shadows before them at the last show. These are the Roc Auto Wheel, which has been carefully revised in the interval, and the pressed steel frame bicycle and tricycle. These machines approximate to pedal cycling on the one hand and car driving on the other. Both have two-stroke motors, and the larger type have open frames with integral mudguards and footboards, C spring forks, suspended chair seats, cardan shaft and worm transmission and, of course, the Roc two-speed gear and free engine, which has been so largely adopted by the trade. The tricycle is on similar lines, but has a coach-built seat, and the cardan shaft drives a live back axle. A. W. Wall, Ltd., are open to appoint a few substantial agents for the pressed steel open frame models, provided they will keep a stock. Liberal terms are allowed.

A. W. Wall, Ltd.

Wilkinson T.A.C. Co., Ltd.

London, S.W. Stand No. 33.
Those motorists who are of opinion that the best results are only to be obtained from a multi-cylinder engine, whether it be used in conjunction with a car or a cycle, will be interested in this firm's 1911 models, for Messrs. Wilkinson and Co. are one of the very few who place a four-cylindered motor-cycle...

Continued: Wilkinson T.A.C.

Wincycle Trading Co., Ltd.

106 and 107 Gt. Saffron Hill, London, E.C. Stand No 44.
This company exhibit their 3 H.P. machine, which will be sold under the name of the "Win." Spring forks are provided, and we noted that the engine is fitted with M.O. valves - which mark a great advance in motorcycle construction. A Brown and Barlow carburetter is fitted, and we may say, in passing, that we have always found great satisfaction from this type. The transmission is by belt, and in other respects the machine follows the usual lines.

Wincycle Trading

Wulfruna Engineering Co.

Wolverhampton. Stand No. 205X.
This company are devoting their attention to the production of lightweights, and two models are listed for 1911. The Featherweight Royal Model B has an engine of 1½ H.P. magneto ignition, and with 26 by 2in. tyres scales complete about 85 lbs. It retails at £29, and is thus one of the cheapest of the lightweight brigade. The other model has a 2 H.P. single-cylinder engine, and is equipped with stand, Druid spring forks, and many other refinements. At £35 10s. it should appeal to the buyer who desires the better class of machine. In the case of the H.P., the engine is placed to the off-side of the machine, and is fitted with an external flywheel upon the opposite side, so that the balance is perfect. Another feature is the placing of the magneto so that only 6in. of high tension wire is necessary.

Wulfruna Engineering Co.

Zenith Motors, Ltd.

Weybridge, Surrey. Stand No. 70.
The possibilities of an infinitesimally variable gear have been amply demonstrated by the Zenith Gradua motor-cycles during the past season, and there should be a great future for these machines. 3½ H.P. and 6 H.P. J.A.P. engines are employed, and one of the lower powered bicycles is fitted with a. sidecar. In detail improvements attention should be paid to the new parallel brake action, the silencer and cutout, and the combined toolbag and spare tube box. The Zenith stand is also a special feature. A Triumph is staged to emphasise the fact that the gear can be fitted to other machines, and a separate model is employed for demonstrating purposes. We understand the firm will be glad to hear from agents.

Zenith Motors

Clyno Engineering Co.

Stand No. 262X.
This firm show three patterns of motor-cycles, one type being fitted with a side-car. The two heavier machines are both of 5-6 H.P., but one is belt driven, whilst the other is provided with two chains, and a two-speed gear is arranged. These two machines are fitted with partial covers to the valves - a step in the right direction. A single-cylinder 2½i H.P. machine, of the belt-driven class, is also exhibited, and is a very handsome machine.

Extracted from the Cycle and Motor Trades Review

Source: Graces Guide

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