The 32nd Stanley Show was held at the Royal Agricultural Hall from November 21st to 28th, 1908.
Stand No. 232 Gallery.
The 2 1/2 h.p. Ariel lightweight motor bicycle has been improved in several respects. It is now fitted with the latest pattern Brown and Barlow handle-bar controlled carburetter and a specially large sized toolbag behind the petrol tank. This space was previously occupied by accumulators and cod, but now that magneto ignition has been adopted the special tool case fits snugly. The Ariel lightweight is a fast machine for its power, and a splendid little hill-climber.
Arno Motor Co.
Coventry. Stand No. 301.
This company exhibit for the first time at any show the Arno single-cylinder motor bicycle. The frame is built specially low, with long straight chain stays extending direct from crank chamber to rear forks, with the exception of the one crank for the belt rim The bracket for pedal axle is detachable to enable riders who prefer a pedalless machine to remove the pedal gear entirely and leave no trace of it having been fitted....
Continued: Arno 1908-1909
Alldays and Onions, Ltd.
Small Heath, Birmingham. Stand No. 113.
This is another of the firms who have re-entered the motor-cycle trade, and we think they have struck a good line in adopting a machine with a 2 H.P. engine and a weight of about 90 to 100 lbs. The frame is specially designed for strength at the head and to provide a low reach. The front fork is strongly stayed, and to intercept vibration, a spring handle-bar is employed. This allows of the fitting of a front wheel brake, and a second brake is applied to the belt rim. The Amac carburetter is fitted with handle-bar control, and the ignition is by magneto. The saddle is padded, and is carried on a horizontal pillar, the rear end of which supports the carrier.
Bat Motor Manufacturing Co.
Kingswood Road, Penge S.E.
Stand No. 97.
A very good range of Bat motor-cycles is exhibited here, the smallest being a new introduction of 21/2 H.P., with the new JAP engine; in fact, it may be stated at once that the Jap engines are used throughout. The light-weight machine scales about 100 lbs., and, like the other models, is fitted with the well-known Bat spring frame and spring fork...
Continued: Bat 1909
Bradbury and Co., Ltd.
Wellington Works, Oldham. Stand No. 78.
For next season this firm will confine their attention to one type of motor bicycle; this has a 31/2 H.P. engine, with the crank case built into the frame, on the system which this firm have always adopted. The crankshaft is mounted in ball bearings, magneto ignition is provided, and the Brown and Barlow carburetter is operated from the handlebar. The frame is kept low, and the head is well strengthened by a deep web behind the socket. The front, wheel is mounted on springs, and the handles are well extended to the rearwardly-carried saddle. The lubricating pump is enclosed in the tank, which is fitted with a gauge to indicate the quantity of petrol contained therein. The machine is turned out complete with stand, tubular carrier, and tool kit. Wheels are provided with ample gliards, the cranks are kept straight, and a rubber belt transmits the motion. Both brakes are applied to the rear wheel, namely, a Bowden to the wheel rim, and a foot brake to the belt rim.
Stand No. 107
Messrs. Bransom and Co. are showing a double-seated trailer provided with brakes controlled from the cycle. A description of this was published on page 900 last week.
Chater Lea.
Stand No. 228 Gallery.
A number of alterations have been made to the Chater-Lea Carette. The 6 h.p. air-cooled engine is retained, but a three-speed gear of the Panhard sliding type is now fitted transversely in the frame, the main shaft being extended the whole width of the chassis, terminating in a sprocket, which drives on to the near side rear wheel. Only one wheel is driven, and thus the necessity for a differential gear is done away with. Fitted with a magneto, the number of working parts seem to be very few indeed, and there is a noticeable absence of wiring, levers, arid loose parts. The engine... the side is in a most accessible position ... in fact, in making an adjustment one could almost imagine that the engine was on a bench. More rake has been put on the steering wheel, and the comfort of the passengers' seats increased.
The two-speed twin-cylinder chain-driven bicycle, built especially for sidecar work, was illustrated in our last issue. It is just the machine for serious touring as a sidecar attachment. A new lightweight is also shown on this stand fitted with a ... h.p. J.A.P. engine. The design of this machine is on quite up-to-date lines, but it was exhibited in an incomplete state. Rubber-covered footrests can now be obtained from Chater-Lea, Ltd., together with a foot brake attachment all complete.
H. and A. Dufaux (England), Ltd.
65 Holborn Viaduct, E.G. Stand No. 67.
This exhibit consists entirely of the "Motasocoche" machine...
Continued: Motosacoche UK
Douglas Bros.
Kingswood, Bristol. Stand No. 65.
This exhibit consists of the neat little "Douglas Light Weight." A machine is shown which in full touring kit complete with tool bag and carrier, scales 105 lbs. It has a two-cylinder horizontally opposed engine with outside flywheel. The magneto is mounted. on top of the crank case in an arched recess in the tank. The carburetter is controlled by handlebar levers, and as the throttle is opened the size of the choke tube is automatically enlarged, thus admitting more air and keeping the mixture at the correct degree of richness...
Continued: Douglas 1908-1909
No. 313 Gilbey Halt.
The Elgin motor bicycle is a lightweight model, weighing unladen about 60 lbs. It is made in two patterns, for ladies and gentlemen, the first model being battery ignited and the other provided with a Ruthardt magneto machine, chain driven. The engine is of the two-stroke variety, with a bore of 45 mm. and a stroke of 90 mm. pedal bicycles.
Continued: Elgin
F. N. Motor Agency.
106 Great Portland Street, W. Stand No. 130.
On this stand will be found two new F.N. models. The first and perhaps the most interesting of the two is the two-speed gear machine. This has a single-cylinder engine set across the frame, an F.N. carburetter, Bosch magneto, and is, of course, air cooled. In the large outside flywheel there is an inverted cone clutch connected by a short shaft to the change-speed gear. This is contained in a small box clamped just in front of the bracket, and the gears, giving two speeds, are of the usual sliding type exactly like a car. The change- speed lever mounted on the top tube has a second handle, which is grasped by the hand When changing. Until the second lever is drawn up against the first one, the gear cannot be moved, and drawing it up releases the clutch, so it is impossible to attempt to change speed with the clutch in. Transmission from the gear box is by shaft to the usual F.N. bevel drive on the back wheel. This shaft has double cardan joints exactly as used on cars. The 4-cylinder model remains practically the same as it was last year. Bosch magneto is used, with the patent F.N. current distributor. All control is by handlebar levers; pedals are not fitted, footrests being carried in their place. A simple backward pressure on one or the other foot-rests applies the brakes. Both machines are beautifully finished, and the two-speed model should meet with a very big demand. Even on the opening day the F.N. stand was crowded with interested visitors.
Humber, Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 98.
On this Stand a number of new Humber motor bicycles are shown. 'These have been expected for some time and will be examined with interest by everyone. The machines are extremely well designed and have several features peculiar to themselves, which should make them superior to many other motor-cycles in several ways. Only one power is made, namely, 31/2 .H.P.
Continued: Humber 1909-1919
James Cycle Co., Ltd.
Stand No. 110.
The new James motor bicycle. This is an extremely original machine. To begin with, the wheels are not carried in forks, but the frame lies one side only; at each end of the frame is a short transverse shaft upon which the wheels rotate, the front wheel having a steering pin in the centre of the hub. There is a long head behind the wheel, and the steering stem is connected up to the front wheel by a strong tubular link. Expanding brakes are fitted in the hubs of the wheels, and the belt rim is fixed to the rear live axle. Footboards are provided as there is no pedalling gear, and the saddle is carried on a long bow spring reminiscent of the early "boneshaker " days. The engine is arranged vertically behind the steering head, and is provided with an Amac carburetter and magneto ignition; transmission is by a belt. We regret that space does not permit of a more detailed description on this occasion of a machine that is sure to attract a great deal of attention.
Junior and Otav Car Co.
117 Long Acre, W.C. Stand No. 300.
This firm are showing a number of the little "Otav" voiturettes, which have been previously described in The Review....
Continued: Turkheimer
Lloyd Motor and Engineering Co.
Birmingham. Stand No. 71.
This firm are showing their two models of motor-cycles - the 31/2 H.P. and the 23/4 H.P. The 31/2 H.P. has 21/4 in. tyres, with butt-ended tube in rear wheel, spring forks, Bosch magneto, pedal actuated band brake on rear hub, Bowden rim brake on driving rim pulley, handlebar control with Amac, B. and B., or Longuemare carburetter, L.M.C. ball bearing engine and other fittings of the best quality. It retails at 45 guineas. The 23/4 H.P. has a neat little two- cylinder engine, the cylinders being placed side by side vertically. As they are so small, it has been found unnecessary to cast them with radiating finis and as a result the appearance of the engine is extremely neat. This machine also has a Bosch magneto and other details precisely similar to the 31/2 H.P. The price is 42 guineas and the weight 105 lbs. On this stand can also be seen the L.M.C. automatic variable pulley, which we hope to describe at greater length shortly. Briefly, the two flanges of the pulley are separate, one being fixed to the crank-shaft and the other being forced up towards it by a ring of small spiral springs. When the engine is running slowly, and the pull on the belt is therefore considerable, the flanges are forced apart, the belt sinks and the gear is lowered.
Matchless Motor Cycles.
Collier and Son, Ltd., 18 Herbert Road, Plaistow. Stand No. 128.
Examples of the Matchless motor-cycles are shown on this stand, with several novelties, the principal one being a very elaborate side-car, forming a quadricycle. The body of this car is of coach-work, fitted with Cape cart hood, and side entrance door. The price complete is 90 guineas. A number of well-finished motor-cycles are shown, similar to those driven with such success by the brothers Collier in various races. The machine is on view on which C. R. Collier did the world's record of 70 miles per hour; Most of the machines are fitted with V-shaped handle-bars, brought well back. Several valuable trophies are shown on the stand, won on these machines. Mr. Harry Martin, the well-known motorcyclist is in attendance.
These exhibitors wish to appoint agents, to whom they would refer all inquiries. They are prepared to offer liberal terms, with a special rebate where more than three machines are taken.
Midget Bicar.
J. T. Brown and Son, Reading. Stand No. 85.
This exhibit consists of three motor-bicycles and a "Roc" clutch. The bicycles are distinctly interesting. No tubes are used in the frame, it being entirely built up of pressed steel. The various members are joined and enclosed by sheet steel, thus forming petrol tanks, oil tanks and tool cupboard. The engine is a "Fafnir," carburetter an Amac, and ignition by magneto. A two-speed gear may be fitted at a small extra charge. The single-cylinder single-speed machine is priced at 30 guineas, and the 2-cylinder, with 5 H.P. Peugeot engine, at 45 guineas.
Minerva 31/2 h.p. model fitted up complete ready for the road.
Minerva Motors, Ltd.
40 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. Stand No. 115.
There is but little alteration in Minerva machines for the coming season. Prices have been lowered all round, and are now, 23/4 H.P., £36; 31/2 H.P., £37; 41/2 H.P. , £45; 8 H.P. , £48 10s. All machines are now fitted with Bosch magneto...
Continued: Minerva UK
Moto Rêve Co., Ltd.
Gray's Inn Road, W.C. Stand No. 108.
A number of 1909 models of these handy and comparatively powerful light-weights are to be seen on this stand. The most noticeable alteration is in the tyres, which are now 2in. heavy motor-cycle Continentals. A strong girder fork has been added, and a pedal-applied belt rim brake operated from the foot-rest by a perfectly straight adjustable rod...
Continued: Moto Reve
Moto Reve.
Stand 108.
No startling improvements are to be found in this splendid little lightweight, fitted with a 2 h.p. V engine, 50 by 70. All the improvements and alterations are in small but somewhat important details, e.g., the wheels are built somewhat stronger, and substantial 2in. Continental tyres are fitted. A couple of taps with small pipes leading from the tank to the compression taps are provided, so that petrol can be easily injected when the engine is difficult to start...
Continued: Moto Reve
Stand No. 67.
The Motosacoche was one of the first light-weight machines to be introduced in this country. The chief alteration in the 1909 model is a loop frame which brings the engine 2in. lower than formerly. The frame is also strengthened by a diagonal stay close up against the steering pillar. Most models are now fitted with the lightweight Bosch magneto...
Continued: Motosacoche UK
A Twin N.S.U. with mechanically-operated valves. The tyres are fitted with N.S.U. anti-skidding bands.
N.S.U. Motor Co., Ltd.
186 Great Portland Street, W. Stands No. 262 and 263.
Several new patterns and a number of detail improvements will be noticeable in the 1909 N.S.U. models. The range of machines now consists of a 3 H.P., 31/2 H.P., 33/4 H.P., 4 H.P., and 11/4 H.P. light weight single-cylinder machine; a 21/2 H.P. twin-cylinder light weight, a 4 H.P. and a 6 H.P. twin...
Continued: NSU G.B.
Norton Manufacturing Co.
Deritend Bridge, Birmingham. Stand No. 87.
This firm exhibit two of the neatest motor-cycles in the Show. They make only these two models, one a 31/2 H.P. single-cylinder machine and the other a 5 H.P. twin. The valves are all operated mechanically and are rather larger than is usual in engines of similar size, and the crank-shafts run on ball bearings. The bore and stroke of the single-cylinder are 82 mm. and 90 mm. respectively, the twin having a bore of 76 mm. and stroke of 80 mm. A low, long frame is used, giving the machine a distinctly racy appearance. The ignition is by Sims magneto, and the control, with the exception of the spark advance, is entirely by handlebar lever. The special feature of the machines are their brakes, which act on the belt rim. Great care has been taken in arranging them so that a perfectly straight brake rod may be used, thus disposing of any tendency to reduce braking effect through spring in the rod. The finish is good, and though the price is not so low as for some other makes, it is certainly not high considering the quality, i.e.. 40 guineas for the 31/2 H.P. and 50 guineas for the 5 H.P.
Stand No. 106.
On this stand rigid and flexible side-cars are to be seen. A sidecar fitted with a spring suspended wheel is also shown. This wheel has already been described in our pages. Another interesting attachment is a castor-flex sidecar, which is a flexible sidecar, allowing the machine to be ridden as an ordinary bicycle, which has a castor wheel action, a joint allowing the sidecar wheel to follow the track made by the motor bicycle to a limited extent. Most of the sidecars are fitted with well-shaped seats, made in either wicker or cane, and upholstered in pegamoid. Besides the above, a system of spring back motor cycle is shown. Another accessory is a useful pan seat provided with a padded cushion.
Phanomen Motors.
49 King's Square, Goswell Road, E.C. Stand No. 114.
Several specimens of the Phanomen motor-bicycle are on view here. All are provided with magneto ignition, spring front forks, 1in. belts, and 26in. by 21/2in. wheels. One of the most popular patterns is the 4 H.P. single-cylinder. This machine has a particularly strong frame. There are two top tubes, and a tube is run up vertically behind the engine. The magneto is arranged horizontally, and a Brown and Barlow carburetter is provided. Another machine of the same power has a twin-cylinder engine, and the well-known Nala two-speed hub. A specimen of the same is shown fitted with a side-car.
Another twin is a 6 H.P., and a special feature that will appeal to hard riders is that the usual parts are enamelled instead of being plated, the whole machine being finished in a shade of grey. The details of the engine are very good. The pillions are formed in one piece with the shafts bearing them, and the gudgeon pins are fixed by spring bolts. All the two-speed machines are fitted with fans driven from extensions of the half-time shafts, and with brake rims similar to those employed for the belt drive. These brakes are operated by back pedalling, with a trip that can be thrown out of action. In those cases where a band brake is employed, the hoop takes the form of a coil passing ... round the drum. These machines give the impression of being thoroughly strong and reliable.
J. Taylor, 318 Percy Road, Birmingham. Stand No. 244.
Mr. Taylor here shows the Peugeot motor-cycle engines and the Peugeot chains of all kinds, from racing bicycle to motor car strengths. The engines are all fitted with automatic inlet valves, and range from 23/4 H.P. single-cylinder to 7-8 H.P. twin-cylinder, the intermediate sizes being 31/2-4 H.P. cylinder and 31/2-4 H.P. and 5-6 H.P. twin-cylinder, thus suiting all types of machines from the light run-about to the heavy passenger attachment. A feature is made of providing the heavy with either a contact breaker for accumulator and coil ignition, or with chain or gear transmission for a magneto. In the last arrangement the gear wheels are of the raw hide construction, thus ensuring quietness. The twins have their cylinders arranged at an angle of 45 degrees, and have separate exhaust pipes and silencers. The chains are constructed with spun recessed rivets, and are hand made.
Premier Cycle Co., Ltd.
Read Street, Coventry. Stand No. 79.
The centre of attraction here is a fine motor bicycle, and we are glad to see this firm taking up this class of work. The frame is long and low, and, we may add, strong, being provided with two top tubes above and below the tank respectively. The front wheel is carried on rocking levers, which are controlled by springs. The engine occupies the usual position in front of the bottom bracket, and in front of this, again, is the high tension magneto, which is driven by means of a chain. The Brown and Barlow carburetter is fitted behind the cylinder head, and is controlled from the handlebar. The oil pump is enclosed in the tank, and a gauge indicates the quantity of petrol on hand. The machine is fitted complete with all pedalling gear, foot-rests, stand, and tubular carrier.
Stand No. 84.
A motor bicycle with a new type of frame is shown on this stand. The Sinclair patent frame comprises three main tubes, two of which extend parallel to one another from the lower end of the steering head, one on either side, with suitable curves to the back forks, to which the rear wheel is connected. The other main tube extends from the top of the steering head to the seat-pillar, all three being brazed together...
Continued: Pringle
P. and M. Motor Cycles.
The Service Co. (London), Ltd., 292-3 High Holborn, W.C. Stand No. 116.
With the exception of one machine, this stand is devoted to motor-cycles, principally the Phelon and Moore (P. and M.). These are still made at Cleckheaton, Yorks, and the original model of five Or six years ago is practically adhered to, having chain drive. They are now fitted with three-speed gear and magneto ignition, and have been brought up-to-date without losing their distinctive characteristics. The price of all models is 50 guineas, and they are remarkably well finished.
On this stand are also shown the "Moto-Reve" light-weight twin-cylinder motor-cycle, and the well-known four-cylinder F.N. Perhaps the greatest novelty on the stand is the N.S.U. motorcycle, fitted with wheel steering and an adaptation of the bucket seat. A separate steering-head is bracketed to the top tube carrying the steering-wheel, which acts by an arrangement of rods usually termed bridle-steering, in the same way as the safety bicycle was originally made. The connections seem perfectly rigid. Several side-carriers are also shown.
Quadrant Motor Co., Ltd.
Earlsdon, Coventry. Stand No. 109.
The Quadrant motor-bicycles have been but little altered for the coming season, except in one important respect, and that is the engine. This has been entirely re-modelled, and contains some very excellent features. In some respects it closely resembles a motor car engine, except that the crank-shaft lies transversely of the frame instead of longitudinally...
Continued: Quadrant 1909
Rex, No. 76.
A 1909 Rex de Luxe Twin-cylinder Bicycle equipped with two-speed gear and free engine.
Four distinct types of the well-known Rex motor bicycles are to be seen on this stand. The 3 1/2 h.p. single and the 5 h.p. twin both fitted with pedalling gear, and the 3 1/2 h.p. single de luxe with two speeds, and a 5 h.p. with two-speed gear. Ball bearings are fitted to the main engine shafts in all cases, as well as a domed piston with two rings, one on the top of the piston and the other at the bottom.
The new spring fork fitted to Rex models is well worthy of attention...
Continued: Rex 1909
A. W. Wall, Ltd., Birmingham. Stand No. 81.
A good exhibit of the "Roc" motor bicycles is on view here, some with single cylinders and others with twin engines....
Very few alterations will be made to the Roc machines for 1909. The duplex frame and tank will be retained. The engines will be 4 h.p., 83 by 90 mm. and 5-6 h.p., twin-cylinder, 75 by 80 mm., with ball bearings to the big end of main shaft and one shaft of the timing gear...
Continued: Roc
Star Cycle Co., Ltd.
Wolverhampton. Stand No. 299.
On this stand a number of "Starling" cam are shown, notably the "Little Briton," which was fully described in The Review a short. time ago. It has a 10 H.P. two-cylinder engine, and is built very low on racing hoes. It is extremely fast for so small a car, being aisle to travel at something close on 40 miles an hour. With its long bonnet and somewhat rakish lines, it is a very smart and speedy-looking turn-out.
At its price, £165 net, it is extremely good value for the money. To this company belongs the honour of exhibiting the only polished chassis in the motor section. This, however, is not a " Little Briton " chassis, but a " Royal Starling," which is similar to the racer, only being lower geared, will carry a four-seated body with ease anywhere. Its price, complete with two-seated body, is £175, and with four-seated body, £200. The Company have specialised on this little car. and have every reason to congratulate themselves on the result.
Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd.
Coventry. Stand No. 121.
One has become quite accustomed to look upon the Triumph motor bicycle as the standard machine of its class, and certainly no better designed or finished machine is to be found on the market, nor one which has proved its quality more successfully in competition. In general design it. remains practically the same as last year, but every point has been well considered, and where improvement has been possible, it has been introduced. The ball bearings are retained in the engine, but a new piston is employed having a ring at each end so as to distribute the wear evenly along the cylinder. The rear spring of the front fork has been strengthened, and caps are fitted to exclude wet from the front hub. The frame is slightly lower, and the tank has been strengthened. The carburetter remains the same...
Continued: Triumph 1908-1909 Models
Vindec Motor-Cycle Co.
13 and 15 Wilson Street, Finsbury, E.C. Stand No. 127.
The Vindec Motor-cycles have, if possible, added to their reputation during the past season, and the improvements now introduced should serve to make them even more popular during 1909. There has been a slight increase in price, but seeing that the Company is giving 37s. worth of extra cost, and only charging the rider 20s. for it, it will be admitted that he has much the best of the bargain. One point is the finishing of all the machines in the well-known Vindec grey, though if black is preferred a reduction of 15s. will be made from the list price.
The machines are all fitted with adjustable pulleys and magneto ignitions. Tire two-speed hub has now stood the test of time, and cans be supplied with any of the models, as an extra. A special feature is made of the 7-9 H.P. machines. These are supplied both for racing and for touring. The Truffault spring fork is fitted for the suppression of vibrations, and it is well known to be thoroughly effective for its purpose. At the rear part of the machine, the rider's comfort is studied by providing the Brooks' 105-4 motor-cycle saddle, which has a padded top. The carburetter is controlled from the handlebar, and all machines: are equipped with a tubular stand and luggage carriage.
All the machines are fitted with Peugeot engines, and these motors have long since earned a reputations that renders- unnecessary any recommendation on our part. Two of the minor specialities of the firm are provided, namely, Komfo sponge rubber handles, and the Unit coupling to the belts. In those machines which are not provided with pedalling gear, pedals are employed as foot rests, and are secured adjustably to tubes dependent. from what corresponds to the- bottom bracket.
Victoria Trading Co.
47 Lamb's Conduit Street, Theobald's Road, W.C. Stand No. 313.
This is an interesting stand, and it contains some marvellously cheap cars. The Piccolo chassis, with air-cooled engine, two-cylinder. 6-8 H.P., is priced at £132 15s., one of the. cheapest two-cylinders yet made. The engine cylinders are set V-shaped, air-cooled by fans at front and rear, driven off the main shaft...
More information: Elgin Motorcycles
Wearwell Motor Carriage Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton. Stand No. 58.
The company introduced a light motor bicycle at last year's Show, and it has been so successful that they have developed it in several respects, and now show quite a large number of different models. The Wolf, the Royal, and the Superb, are all made in two styles - (A) with accumulator and coil ignition, (B) with magneto ignition, and all these machines have the same engine, though arranged somewhat differently in each. It will be remembered that the motor is very light, and is constructed with an outside flywheel...
Continued: Wolf 1909
Zenith Motors, Ltd.
101a Stroud Green Road, N. Stand No. 124.
This firm though noted for its originality is, however, very practical in its production. No better proof of this need be given than the presence of a Zenith Bi-Car on the stand. Besides this is the more recent "scissors" spring frame...
Continued: Zenith 1909
Cycle and Motor Trades Review, 1908 (courtesy Graces Guide), The Motor Cycle, November 1908.
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