Stanley Show, November 1908
A 1909 Rex de Luxe Twin-cylinder Bicycle equipped with two-speed gear and free engine.
Rex, No. 76.
Four distinct types of the well-known Rex motor bicycles are to be seen on this stand. The 3 1/2 h.p. single and the 5 h.p. twin both fitted with pedalling gear, and the 3 1/2 h.p. single de luxe with two speeds, and a 5 h.p. with two-speed gear. Ball bearings are fitted to the main engine shafts in all cases, as well as a domed piston with two rings, one on the top of the piston and the other at the bottom.
The new spring fork fitted to Rex models is well worthy of attention. The forks are of the girder type, and the springs are enclosed in tubes attached to lugs brazed on to the forks themselves. The springs are on both sides of the spindle, so that the forks are smooth and efficient in action.
These forks allow the front wheel to be easily removed, which is a distinct improvement over last year's model. The mud-guards are wide and efficient, and the mudguard flap is incorporated with the guard itself. On all models the Amac carburetter with handle-bar control is fitted. Some excellent specimens of the fine work turned out by the Rex Co. are displayed upon the stand. A dismantled engine is shown showing the excellent finish of the cylinder and the neat fitting of the crankshaft ball bearing, as well as the timing gear arrangements in which both valves are operated by one cam. The new frame is particularly neat, as the Rex cantilever spring saddle-pillar can be fitted to both the tourist and de luxe models.
The frames are finished in black enamel, and present a very smart well-finished appearance, while the tanks are enamelled aluminium with a deep blue panel. A separate luggage carrier of ample dimensions is fitted, also a stand which we have previously described. The Rex machines present a neat, workmanlike appearance, and we congratulate the company upon the advance made in the finish and design of the 1909 models. The tricars referred to in our forecast issue were not in evidence on the opening day, but we hope to refer to them next week in our third and last show number.
The Motor Cycle, Nov 25th 1908
Stanley Show 1908