
Today in Motorcycle History

Wincycle Trading Co

Win Precision 1912

3½ h.p. 1912 Win-Precision. This - the latest production of the Wincycle Trading Co. - has Druid forks, Bosch weatherproof magneto, B. and B. carburetter, and Dunlop tyres.

Wincycle Trading Co of Great Saffron Hill, London.

Win motorcycles were produced from 1910 to 1914.

1910 The first machine was listed using a 3½ hp Precision engine, B and B carburettor, belt drive and Druid forks.

1910 Stanley Show Report
The Wincycle Trading Co. London.
This exhibit will consist of one 3 H.P. motor-cycle, which will he sold under the name of the "Win" motor-cycle. The specification is as follows—Precision engine, mechanically-operated inlet valves, Brown and Barlow carburetter, 7/8 in. belt transmission, fitted with stand and carrier, spring forks, Dunlop tyres, Brooks saddle, the list price being £45 10s.

1912 The same models remained for that year.

1912 "The Wincycle Trading Company, Ltd., of London, will exhibit the new Paragon folding side-car to overcome the storage difficulty." ~ The Clarion, Friday 22 November 1912

1913 They added 2½ hp and 4¼ hp models, still using Precision engines.

1914 The range reduced to 499cc 3¾ hp and 599cc 4¼ hp machines, with Precision engines.

1922 Wincycle presented the Paragon Folding Sidecar at the 1922 Olympia Show held in November. The following appeared in The Motor Cycle July 6th, 1922:

PARAGON (patent) Folding Sidecar saves storage, has 7 years to its credit, and has proved itself absolutely reliable. Fits any make of motor cycle, and, when folded, combination will pass through a 30in. doorway. Call and see it demonstrated. Wincycle Co., Ltd., 236, High Holborn, W.C.I.

The advertisement above appeared numerous times in July to December 1922.

Paragon of Essex built motorcycles until 1921/1922. There is no evidence that they built the Paragon sidecars.

Source: Graces Guide

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