Spanish Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Derlan Motorcycles

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Construcciones Meccanicas Derlan, Zarauz, 1953-1962.

The Sorazu brothers built a variety of mopeds and lightweight motorcycles fitted with their own engines modeled on the German Sachs at the Bastarrica y Sorazu (BASOR) factory in Zarouz, some 50km west of Bilbao in the Basque region. Models were available with dropped frames for ladies and clergy, the Gaviota had an enclosed engine and looked rather like a scooter, and the 125cc Gavilan of 1959 was quite conventional with a large chainguard and plunger rear suspension. Late in the piece a 250 was created, but few of these were sold. In total some 700 machines were built.

When the firm ceased production, one of the members (Antonio Azkue?) created a new brand, the Boar, and a further 198 of these were built by the Motor Unión firm in the years 1962-1964. They worked with Estampaciones Arregui, and fitted Derlan-Sachs engines.

Sources: OTTW,

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