Puma Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Franke Bisso Motos

Manufactured in Córdoba by Franke Bisso Automotores SA

Televel Sachs 98cc engines powered the models Aydil, Lilian, Teresa, and a scooter.

Se producía en Cordoba. Se hacían los modelos Modelos Aydil, Lilian y Teresa y una versión de motoneta.

Advertising of the time reads,

  • Tenemos el corrado de poner en conocimienlo de nuesbos clientes, amigos y comercio mayorisla y minorisla del ramo que csla firma ha olorgado a "Enlace S.A. C.I.F." la distribucion general exclusiva de sus produclos en la Reptiblica Argentina a partir del l' de Encro de 1960.

    Agradecemos tas atariones recibidas y auguramos el mejor de les éxilos a nuestra concesionaria.

    We have the pleasure of making it known to our clients, friends and business associates in the field that the firm named "Enlace S.A. C.I.F." has the exclusive general distribution of its products in the Argentine Republic as of January 1, 1960.

    We appreciate the messages received and we hope the best of success for our dealership.

Sources: motoargenta.blogspot.com, period literature.

N.B. Information added which was not part of the original archive.