Swiss Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Keller Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque
Keller logo

Kel-Cha Motor AG, Camorino, Tessin. 1929 - 1932

Karl Victor Keller (1896-1961) ran a motorcycle business at Ausstellungsstrasse in Zurich selling FN and ACE. He built a motorcycle with a 397cc sidevalve engine of unit construction with an aluminium crankcase and a cast-iron cylinder head. The 19" wheels were painted bright red - spokes, nipples and rims. Only one model was produced, and although attractive with its clean, neat and very Swiss design it proved too expensive for the market, which was in free-fall.

Sources: Moto-collection.org, e-periodica.ch

Ein interessantes Motorrad aus der Schweiz: Kel-Cha 400 cm3 von 1929
Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-378249

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