French Motorcycles

Ader 1000cc V-Twin c.1906

This machine is believed to be an Ader from perhaps 1906 or a little earlier. The engine very closely resembles an Ader patent drawing of November 1901, and an expert in the field has probably dated the machine based on both the overall style and other factors including the type of fuel delivery. The source of the motorcycle is not stated, but it may well be one found in a pile of scrap metal acquired by a collector in the early 1970s, and lovingly recreated.

If the motorcycle does turn out to be a genuine Ader its value will be inestimable. Clément Ader was the stuff of legend, an iconic Frenchman whose tale has yet to be told to the world. Think World's Fastest Indian, on steroids.


Les machines de course de ce début de xxe siècle dégagent une extrême bestialité même à l’arrêt. Supportant un petit réservoir profilé, les magnétos et la boite à pile, le cadre épouse généreusement les formes du moteur. Le bicylindre en V de 1000 cm3 , dépourvu d’ailette, comme tout engin de course qui se respecte, pourrait ressembler à un bicylindre en V de marque Ader. Dans une odeur d’huile brûlée, cet assemblage pétaradant a dû faire la fierté de son concepteur le temps de quelques courses…

Racing machines at the beginning of the 20th century were of extreme bestiality even at a standstill. Carrying a small sleek tank, magnetos and a battery box, the frame generously molds the engine's shapes. With no fins and like any self-respecting racing machine, this 1,000 cc V-twin cylinder could look like an Ader V-twin cylinder machine. With a smell of burnt oil, this backfiring assembly must have made its creator proud during some races.

Quoted from the auction catalogue PDF.

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Classic Motorcycle Books
Classic Motorcycle Books

Ader - Made in France