Austrian Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Cless & Plessing Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Made in Austria 1903-1906

Built in in Graz. Baute, early models were fitted with shaft drive before reverting to the more conventional and considerably cheaper belt drive. The 2.5ps engines were of the firm's own design.

Their machines were marketed under the name Noricum, and are better known as such.

Sources: voz.co.at, motorjournal.cz

mewald at motorjournal dot cz
26th June 1904, Wien-Prater, motorcycle races for 1km, winner in category B Josef Dottori on Cless&Plessing 3hp in 59,8 sec.
I found that they sold first bicycles and than motorcycles under name NORICUM, which is better known here then name of the company. Noricum was probably one of the first brands which offered motorcycle with sidecar in 1903.
Jiri Mewald
    Noricum-1904c-Mew.jpg posted to Comments.

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