Image courtesy Jean-Louis Dumont
Manufactured by NV PE Barbé of Herstal, production began in 1926.
The firm built 125, 175, 250 and 350 cc models using SV and OHV JAP and Blackburne engines. In 1933 they introduced Villiers two-stroke engines in motorcycles of 100 and 150cc, and these were followed by machines powered by JAP 150 and 250cc engines. The marque had limited success in racing in the 175 and 250 classes. Production ceased in 1934.
Source: A-Z der Belgische Motoren
Les Modéles 1933 comprennent :
La 100-T moto rationnelle pour l'usage journalier,
La 150-T convenantà un service intensif,
La 175-T machine confortable et sûre pour un service trés dur,
La 175-S la moto-solo idéale, pour le grand Tourisme et les amateurs de vitesse,
La 250-S machine puissante et trés rapide.
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