Belgian Motorcycles

Blomme & Lecomte

Blomme & Lecomte Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured in Wallonia 1952-1954

The firm evolved from Picard & Blomme, which traded in the 1930s.

Located at 5, Rue des Croisiers, Tournai, Belgium, the company imported NSU, Alcyon and Kreidler, and produced a range of lightweights powered mostly by Riedel engines which they marketed under the names Alcyon-Riedel, Fama and Aleph, as well as under the Blomme & Lecomte marque.

Other engines employed included Sachs and Victoria.

There is also an entry in a French publication for a FAMA believed to be 1934 which reads, in part:
La Moto FAMA, 100 cm3 Gillet 2 temps, 3 vittesses.
Picard & Blomme, Constructeurs, 5, Rue des Crosiers, Tournai

Sources: A-Z der Belgische Motoren, et al

Notes: There is also a Dutch Fama, see Netherlands Marques, and another from Germany.

If you have a query or information about these classic Belgian machines, please contact us

etienne.piron at gmail dot com
In the post "Blomme & Lecompte", I have found some mistakes...
1. The correct name of the firm is "Blomme & Lecomte".
2. The manufacture is not in Flanders but in Wallonia, the french-speaking region of Belgium.
3. The date for FAMA can't be 1934 but probably 1954.
4. Picard & Blomme doesn't exist but only Blomme & Lecomte.
5. The correct address for Blomme & Lecomte is "5, Rue des Croisiers, Tournai".
I find your site fantastic and it would be a shame to leave errors there.
I have been interested for a long time in everything the Belgians have imagined to travel the Belgian roads: cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, etc...
I am a member of two Facebook sites devoted to this subject: "Passionnés de motos de fabrication belge" et "Passionnés d'automobiles de fabrication belge".
Best regards.
Etienne PIRON

    Greatly appreciated - many thanks. Will fix as soon as possible. Ed.
    3. FAMA mid-30s is correct. See https://www.velovintageagogo.com/t22670p75-randonneuse-alcyon-annees-50-en-650-b
    See also https://cybermotorcycle.com/gallery/classics-f/Fama-1934-100cc-Gillet.htm
    4. Picard & Blomme is also correct. Ibid.
    More information: https://veloretrocourse.proboards.com/thread/1922/bikes-belgium