Sidecar Springing with Shock Absorbsrs.
Handsome sidecar exhibited by Dunhills, one of the several models shown by this firm.
DUNHILLS, Ltd., 359, Euston Road, London, N.W.
On this stand is one of the most interesting sidecar exhibits in the Show. Apart from the range of models shown, there is one innovation that deserves to become more widely known. This is the B. & D. stabiliser, which eliminates recoil and permits the introduction of more flexible coil springs than could otherwise be used. This device can be fitted on the majority of models, and unquestionably adds to the comfort of the passenger on bad roads.
Among the models which have proved their worth this year is the double-seater, a design ingeniously incorporating hammock seating for the front passenger. Although an extraordinary amount of leg room is provided the appearance is e.xcep tionally neat, and when in use with one passenger the body might be mistaken for a single-seater. The price for this finely finished model is £35. The B39 is another graceful and commodious model, and should suit the tastes of the most fastidious. The sidecar shown is finished in Harley-Davidson green, and is equipped with a neat semi-circular screen and efficient hood. Its price is £32 10s. An entirely new sporting model is offered on the well-known Dunhill triangulated chassis at £20.
Olympia Show 1922, The Motor Cycle November 30th 1922, pp. 867-868