
Today in Motorcycle History

Hughes Sidecars

Hughes Sidecar 1922

Locker capacity has not been overlooked in the Hughes touring sidecar

HUGHES. (144.)

Four Models to Suit All.

Thos. Hughes and Son, Ltd., Baker Street, Sparkhill, Birmingham.

The policy of Hughes & Son., Ltd., for the coming year is to provide a short range of models, each one suitable for various-powered machines.

For powerful motor cycles the "Cruiser" is offered for £30, a model of striking design and fine finish, equipped with dash and screen. Of a more commodious pattern is the "Standard" touring model, at £24. This, too, is fitted on a chassis strong enough for any-powered machine yet not unduly heavy. A really fascinating little model is the "Torpedo," which combines grace of outline with a fairly commodious body, and at the same time is light. This sidecar is listed at £23. For £17 10s. the "Lightweight" is good value.

Olympia Show 1922, The Motor Cycle November 30th, 1922, page 869