Locker capacity has not been overlooked in the Hughes touring sidecar
Four Models to Suit All.
Thos. Hughes and Son, Ltd., Baker Street, Sparkhill, Birmingham.
The policy of Hughes & Son., Ltd., for the coming year is to provide a short range of models, each one suitable for various-powered machines.
For powerful motor cycles the "Cruiser" is offered for £30, a model of striking design and fine finish, equipped with dash and screen. Of a more commodious pattern is the "Standard" touring model, at £24. This, too, is fitted on a chassis strong enough for any-powered machine yet not unduly heavy. A really fascinating little model is the "Torpedo," which combines grace of outline with a fairly commodious body, and at the same time is light. This sidecar is listed at £23. For £17 10s. the "Lightweight" is good value.
Olympia Show 1922, The Motor Cycle November 30th, 1922, page 869