
Jesmond Cycle Co

Jesmond produced motorcycles between 1899 and 1904 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Jesmond were pioneers of the motorcycle world and started out by fitting imported engines into strengthened bicycle frames, before going on to produce their own prototypes.

1902 The first catalogue model was listed. It had a loop frame with twin-bladed solid forks on each side. Fitted to this was a Fafnir engine with direct-belt drive.

1903 They had progressed to a 2½ hp water-cooled engine mounted in the loop frame that was formed to carry the water tank ahead of the top of the vertical downtube. This was further braced to the headstock. Control was by varying the exhaust-valve. That year the manager, J. R. Moore left to form the Dene company.

1904 The Jesmond marque failed to survive beyond that year.

Hugh Mason of N.U.T., also in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, is mentioned in connection with Jesmond.

Source: Graces Guide

The Jesmond Motor-Bicycle.

We alluded briefly in our last issue to the features of the Jesmond motor bicycle, made by the Jesmond Cycle Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, and we are now able to give fuller particulars and illustration of the machine.

The frame is a registered design, and differs from any other motorcycle frame on the market. The makers are enabled by this construction to place the engine in a vertical position, which is admitted by almost all motor experts to be mechanically correct. The method of attaching the engine to the frame allows the rider to get at both valves, cylinder and piston rings, so that he can clean and adjust without removing the crank case from the frame. Only three levers are used; sparking advance, gas lever and exhaust lifter. These levers are well fitted to male and female joints, and when once placed in position required, will not slip with shock or vibration. A special feature is the neatness of design of the petrol tank, which is made out of a heavy gauge of sheet brass, and an outlet tap is fitted to the tank, with a small union and rubber attachment, which can be carried in the tool bag. This enables the rider to empty his tank without allowing any of the petrol to spill or drop over the machine. The carburetter is a spray with a float feed, which gives excellent results. The coil is fitted close to the engine, and the high tension wire is only 2 inches long. The accumulator is carried at the back, in a small wood box between the scat pillar and back stays. It is built in a wooden box instead of celluloid; there is therefore no tendency to short circuit, nor yet is there any chance of it getting bruised or broken. The wires are very short and are easily got at, and the terminals fitted are of a very heavy type, to carry a good current, and are well insulated with rubber. The stroke of the engine is 65 by 70 mm., 1¾ h.p.; 2¼ h.p. can also be fitted, which is 75 by 75. The tread of the machine is 5 ½ inches. The frame is built on Renolds double butted tubing, with a specially made bridge steering column, and very large diameter front forks, which are also heavily butted and well fitted to the crown. The compression stay on the belt side of the machine is of a much heavier gauge than that of the other; a special bridge Regd. No. 308779 is fitted.

Source: Motor Cycling Magazine.

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