The above machine, ridden by T. Green, won the Rudge cup in the Dublin and District M.C.C. 100 miles open handicap race on Portmarnock strand. The engine is a Waverley, an American production, measuring 3 3/8in. bore and stroke, and having overhead valves, auxiliary exhaust ports, and ball bearing crankshaft. The frame and fittings are by Chater-Lea.
Waverley were motorcycles produced by F. M. Lee of Liverpool, from 1910 to 1912.
1910 A 3½ hp single plus 6hp and 8hp V-twins were listed. All had JAP engines, a variable gear, belt drive and sprung forks. They also offered an open-frame model, first built for a lady in Cheshire.
1911 Those models continued.
1912 A Waverley, with an American overhead-valve engine fitted in a Chater-Lea frame, won an Irish race. Little more was heard of it after that.
Source: Graces Guide
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