French Motorcycles

Breuil Motor-Cyclette

35 avenue de la Grande Armée, Paris

Motocyclettes, 1902, powered by Astral engines.

Bourdache pp 431, 146, 320.

Motor-Cyclette "Breuil," depot 35, Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris, has a motor of 2 horse-power fitted in the frame, the crank case being connected to the tubes by special lugs. It has a round belt drive and single lever control. Ignition is by coil and accumulator, this being carried in a case supported from the top tube. The petrol tank is placed behind the saddle, and has a capacity of three-fourths of a gallon. Brake work is rather flimsy, only a front tyre brake being fitted on the machine illustrated, but the catalogue states that an extra back rim brake is provided. The carburetter is a special Longuemare. Wheels 26in. diameter, fitted with the French Dunlop tyres. The finish is fairly good, and price comes out at the low figure of £39

Paris Salon 1902 in Motor Cycling, December 17th, 1902. Page 346