French Motorcycles

DFR Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Established by Désert et de Font-Réault, 188 Avenue de Neuilly, Neuilly-sur-Seine

Manufactured: 1920-1934

The first machines presented at the 1920 Paris Moto Revue were 250 cc and 350 cc models with two-stroke engines from Emile Train.

1921 saw considerable competition success.

By 1922, a "moto-baby" model was added. This was a kit bike, with optional extras provided in a separate package to avoid taxes. These options included tyres and saddle.

The 1924 range switched from Train engines to DFR-branded two-strokes.

In 1926 the firm became associated with Henri Dresch and included a Voisin 350cc.

1929 saw the range of four models; two with DFR two-strokes and two with MAG engines, a 250cc and a 350cc, which are problematical. That year the company was acquired by Dresch, and management moved to Vouillé street Paris 15.

In 1932 Pierre de Font-Réaulx left the company to create his own marque, the DAX.

By 1934 only one model remained, a 350cc DFR-powered machine.

1920 Models
250cc Train
350cc Train (2 versions)

1921 Models
250cc Train, models tourisme, Dubost or sport 250cc Train
350cc Train
That year they won the French 350cc championship.

1922 Models
125cc Madoz two-stroke engine
125cc Train 2T
350cc Train belt drive
In 1922 they achieved a 250cc world record.

1923 Models
1¼ HP homme, Train or Madoz engine
1¼ HP femme, Train or Madoz engine
3½ HP luxe 350 cc Train engine
3½ HP populaire 350 cc Train engine
175cc model
A report on the Paris Salon in the Motor Cycle (October 1922) reads: "A good range of two-stroke and four-stroke machines, the latter with an o.h.v. Blackburne engine and all-chain drive through an Albion gear box."
The 125cc model was not offered in 1923

1924 Models
2 HP homme, 170cc DFR two-stroke engine
2 HP femme, 170cc DFR two-stroke engine

Both models above available optionally with Train or Madoz 1¼ HP engine

3½ HP luxe 345 cc Train engine modified by DFR
3½ HP sport 345 cc Train engine modified by DFR
3½ HP sport luxe 345 cc, as above, with sidecar
348cc grand sport, Bradshaw oil-cooled engine. First year offered.

1925 Models
2 HP homme, 170cc DFR two-stroke engine
2 HP femme, 170cc DFR two-stroke engine
Both models above available optionally with 2 or three speed gearbox, and with chain or belt drive.
3½ HP grand sport 345cc Voisin engine
3½ HP super course 345cc Voisin engine
348cc grand sport, Bradshaw engine, chain drive
348cc Bradshaw competition, oil-cooled engine, Cozette compressor. Not offered in catalog, but did well in racing.

1926 Models
Type VM 2-3CV 175cc LMP two-stroke engine
Type VM 250cc LMP two-stroke engine
Type 350 grand sport 348cc Voisin SV engine
Type 350 super course 348cc Voisin SV engine
Type 350 confort 348cc Voisin SV engine

1927 Models
Type VM 2-3CV 170cc LMP two-stroke engine
Type VM 3CV 250cc LMP two-stroke engine
Type 4hp 350 grand sport 348cc Voisin SV engine
Type 4hp 350 super course 348cc Voisin SV engine
Type 4hp 350 confort 348cc Voisin SV engine
Type 4hp 350 competition 348cc Voisin twin port SV engine

1929 Models
Dresch manufactured four models for DFR. The MAG engines were built by Dresch under licence.
D.F.R type P.S. 175 cc 2-speed two-stroke
D.F.R type J.1 250 cc 3-speed two-stroke
D.F.R type M 29 250 cc 3-speed four-stroke MAG engine
D.F.R type MD 30 350 cc 3-speed MAG 4T

1932 Models (built by Dresch)
D.F.R type J1 33, 3CV, 3-speed two-stroke.
D.F.R type SS32 500cc twin, four-stroke, 3-speed gearbox (very similar models were released by both DFR and Dresch)


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