French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Petitjean Tricycles and Quadricycles


Manufactured by Georges Henri Petitjean and his son-in-law Frédéric Sevette.

The firm is mentioned in Gravigny as manufacturers of a gearbox c.1900 (Petitjean et Sevette), and around the same time as the builders of Petijean tricycles and quadricycles.

"Frédéric Sevette runs a children's car factory. His father-in-law Georges Henri Petitjean (d. 1910) was his partner. The workshop is located 10-12 Cité Nys (currently Rue du Moulin-Joly), the whole Sevette family lives in Cité Nys. In June 1918, Mr. Sevette sells his factory to Mr. Delagrandville."

Sources:, Graffigny, et al

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