
Today in Motorcycle History

Grandex Motorcycles 1915

Grandex-Precision Two-stroke 1915

The 2¾ h.p. Precision engine and Roc gear fitted to the lightweight Grandex. Note the pipe from compression release to exhaust.

The 2¾ h.p. Two-stroke Grandex

WE recently had occasion to examine the new 2¾ h. p. Grandex-Precision at the Grandex Cycle Co.'s premises in Gray's Inn Road, W.C. It is a neat and serviceable little mount, which should appeal to the beginner on account of its simplicity. The motive power is one of the new two- stroke Precision engines, the bore and stroke of which respectively are 64 mm. x 70 mm. =225 c.c. Its exterior design is simple in the extreme, and a noteworthy feature is the pipe leading from the compression release into the exhaust pipe, and consequently into the silencer, thus obviating the unpleasant noise of the compression blowing through a restricted area, and the splashing of the oil which escapes. A well-designed and compact cover protects both the magneto and transmission chains.

A Roc dog clutch two-speed gear box is fitted, and, as may be gathered from the foregoing, the drive is of the two - step variety Reverting to the engine the carburetter is a B. and B., of the pattern specially designed for two-strokes. Serviceable aluminium foot-boards form part of the unit. Lubrication is on the petroil principle, and a pump is provided for the purpose of delivering a charge of oil into the petrol tank. The machine is well equipped, and possesses effcient mudguards, a good luggage carrier, stand, Saxon spring forks, and a powerful foot brake.

The Motor Cycle, March 18th, 1915.