Italian Motorcycles

Zanetti Motori

Zanetti Logo

From 1967-75 the firm built mopeds, and also supplied bicycle attachment engines as kits with the motor mounted above the front wheel.

Models include: Bicizeta C50 42cc two-stroke

It appears that the Zanetti Bicizeta may also have been built in Argentina, where it was marketed by the Puma company.

The firm no longer constructs motorcycles, but they are actively involved in the sport. Zanetti Racing Team

Zanetti Gallery

Sources:, et al.

marc.rivals at @wanadoo dot fr
parts Bicizeta Zanetti
objet : parts Bicizeta Zanetti
je restaure ma Bicizeta, savez-vous comment trouver des joints et des segments s'il vous plaît ?
Translation: I'm restoring my Bicizeta, do you know how to find gaskets and segments please?

olcaralan at
Zanetti (1970?)
I'm looking for a set of piston rings for this bike. I believe it to be 47cc. The piston bore is 1.5[]. Thank you
alan willison

Wed Nov 30 2016
rokeefe at
Motori Zanetti Bologna Minibike
Zanetti Bologna
I have one running and in tact for sale.

Fri Jun 17 2016
zanettic50 at
Zanetti C50

I maintain a blog for the Zanetti Bicizeta C50 where I try to put all the information available that I have gathered, including a downloadable pdf version of the engine manual

You can reach the blog here:

Wed Aug 05 2015
bobfurman33 at
need more info
Zanetti C50
I am attempting help my friend get his zanetti c50 running. We have all the pieces, and have taken it apart and cleaned it, and are in the process of reassembling, i have noticed that the piston rings are broken, we have been looking on the internet to find information and try to find parts. The number on the engine says zanetti c50/2/316 and on the inside of one side of the engine cover is says c50/2/356. We dont know anything about it other then it is orange, doesnt run but does not appear. To be missing any pieces. If you know of any thing that may help us it is very much appreciated
philadelphia, Pa

Sat Feb 08 2014
rachel at
Zanetti C-50 black san marco & a purple one

Hi! I'm looking for value/info on 2 Zanetti Mopeds (C-50 model?) Inherited from a friend and rode them a couple summers ago- been in storage..Thanks! NH

Mon Oct 22 2012
jwdjph<at>gmail dot com
value of my zannetti motori
zanetti motori c50 zanetti motori c50
Im tryin to find a value on my all original zanetti c50
new jersey

Sun Apr 22 2012
zannetti 50cc
Hi memeber. I found an old zannetti moped. I got it running. Should there be a centrifical clutch?
Phoenixville, Pa

Sun Aug 22 2010

bsmith10162002<at>yahoo dot com
zanetti bicizeta (50cc) 42 cubic centimeter mini-motor
I have two of these bikes in Great condition and i am trying to find out the value. I am looking to sell one is purple and one is orange, bot run great has saddle bag with tire gage and manuals
cleveland, Ohio

Thu Jul 24 2008

jimmysticks2at at yahoo dot com
Zanetti C50 for sale
Zanetti C50
I have a old Zanetti C50 for sale on ebay. Item # 330254839262

Fri Aug 10 2007
jordiiat yahoo dot com
I need some parts
zanetti splash road 125
I have a zanetti splash road 125 and I have an accident, i need replace parts, i'm from mexico and i dont know were can i get replaces parts to my motorcycle, can you help me

Sun Aug 20 2006
jfpy at at
Zanetti bicizeta

I am from Germany. Since several days I am owner of a Zanetti bicizeta. It must be completely restored and unfortunately I have no paperwork or documentation at all.
Can you help me ?

Best Regards

Mon Mar 13 2006

briandeene at at
Zanetti brand
I have a zanetti motori that I am restoring, but am unable to find much info. If I cannot restore I might consider selling
New Jersey USA

Mon Jun 06 2005 at at
Zanetti Motori C 50
I need Papers from this Typ. Can I help me ?

Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005
subject: mi moto zanetti resulto ser basura
Email: luisperez3-p at hotmail dot com
message: el ao pasado me compre una zanetti 50 en la tienda megacomercial mexicna de puerto vallarta en mexico y practicamete me es imposible encontrar a un mecanico especializado en estre tipo de basura se decompone facilmente y todas sus partes son taiwanesas que tambien son basura por su baja calidad prometo no cometer el mismo error de nuevo pues solo fue un tremendo fraude en el que me encontre. lo siento pero no tengo comentarios agradables al respecto de mi compra pues lo reconozco me equivoque.

atentemente luis perez. puerto vallarta jalisco mexico.

the last year zanetti 50 in the megacomercial store buys one to me mexicna of port vallarta in mexico and practicamete is impossible to facilmente find to a mecanico specialized in estre type me of trash decompone and all their parts are Taiwanese who also are trash by their low quality I promise not to commit the same again then single error was a tremendous fraud in which me encontre. I feel it but I on the matter do not have pleasant commentaries of my purchase because I recognize it mistakes to me. atentemente Luis perez. port vallarta jalisco mexico.

January 10, 2005
subject: Zanetti Motori C-50
Email: xr650rrrider at
message: Hello,
I recently became the owner of a nearly pristine Zanetti motorized bicycle. I can find virtually no information as to the lineage of the marque. Mine appears to be in nearly perfect condition, but will need a new fuel tank cap and pedals. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The exact model is a Zanetti Motori C-50.

Jan 10 2005
Found a couple of Zanetti entries on Ebay Mexico - a Super Zanetti Splash Road 125 scooter, and a Moto Zanetti 250cc Impecable Tipo Fatboy - the latter is a 4 stroke twin.

March 15, 2002
All I know about this mini is that it has 2 stroke motor with a manual clutch that says motori zanetti bologna on side cover. and that it has front and rear drum brakes, 3.10x10 tires. Some people said was a Benelli but I can not find any photos of it. If any one can help please e-mail me at angelogazzara at hotmail dot com thank you

See Zanetti gallery...

If you have a query or information about Zanetti motorised bicycles please contact us