
Today in Motorcycle History

Peacock Motorcycle Engines

Charles Peacock and Co

35 Clerkenwell Road, London

1903 Marketed the Brutus motor in four sizes.

1903-1905 Sold the Carpeviam motor tricycle.

Chas. Peacock and Co., 35, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C., have many novelties for 1904. We illustrate a new 4.5 h.p. motor, with twin cylinders, they are introducing. This will be very suitable for driving fore-carriages. The workmanship throughout is very substantial. The crank case is provided with clamps for attachment to a loop frame.

Report from the 1903 Stanley Show

Charles Peacock and Co.

A great variety of accessories of all descriptions, and particularly those in connection with ignition systems., are exhibited by Messrs. Charles Peacock and Co. on Stand 95a. The principal items of interest are in the engines shown on this stand. One is of the two-cylinder variety, with cylinders inclined one to another at an angle of about fifty degrees. The cylinders have a bore of 68 mm. and a stroke of 72 mm., and, running at a speed of 1,200, develop 4½ h.p. A belt pulley fitted is for a flat belt. The crank chamber is fitted with double clip bosses. A two-cycle engine suitable for a bicycle is also seen on this stand. Running at 1,800 revolutions per minute, it develops 2¼ h.p. There are no valves whatsoever, excepting the piston, which in itself acts both as the inlet and the exhaust valve. The total weight of the engine is 18 lbs. (Stand 95a.)

The Motor Cycle November 25th, 1903. p854
National Show 1903, Crystal Palace

Sources: Graces Guide; The Motor; The Motor Cycle.

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