Ceccato Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Ceccato Motorcycles


Pietro Ceccato was a man of many talents - doctor, musician, motorcycle racer and an excellent businessman. The Ceccato factory in Montecchio Maggiore was established in the mid-30's, and built their first motorised bicycle, the Romeo, with a 38cc engine shortly after the war, followed in 1948 by a machine with a 48c engine. The first Ceccato motorcycle appeared in 1951, a 75cc twostroke.

In 1953 they launched an advanced OHC roadster with an engine designed by Fabio Taglioni, designer of Ducati's desmodromic valve L-twins, now in their fifth decade of production.

Ceccato-engined machines were manufactured in Argentina under the marque Zanella-Ceccato, and when Ceccato closed in the early 1960s Zanella bought their tooling.

More information: History of Ceccato

Ceccato Models include:

    38cc 1949-1955
    Romeo 38cc 1949-1951
    Romeo 48cc 1949-1955
    49cc 1949-1955
    Attacco Inferiore 49cc 1952-1955
    75cc 1952-1956
    Sport 75cc 1952-1954
    100cc 1952-1954
    GT-Sport 100cc 1952-1956
    125cc 1954-1956
    GT 125cc 1954-1956
    Sport 125cc 1954-1956
    GT-Sport 175cc 1954-1956
    Turismo 175cc ohc 1953

Engines include Ceccato :

  • Romeo 38
  • Micromotore 48
  • Micromotore 49
  • Sources: Cycle Memory

    billrushton1313 at gmail.com

    ello from the USA (New Jersey). I have this bike (see link) which I purchased over 15 years ago. I'm near the end of the restoration and am looking for a couple parts;

    1. A casing for the motor (a piece of the cast iron was broken off when I received the bike).

    2. The seat (somehow I lost the original seat a few years ago when I moved)

    Any chance you could direct me as to where I might be able to purchase these parts?

    Link to bike at https://guzzino.stores.yahoo.net/19ce10t2.html?viewfullsite=1

    Thank you.
    Bill Rushton

    See also Guzzino.Com

    Fri, 17 Nov 2017
    poopmuncher at hotmail.com<
    ceccato 1955 sport 125

    contact for Ceccato club?
    galena IL USA

    There are one or two Italian clubs listed here. I'll add more shortly.

    Wed Oct 02 2013
    old motorcycle
    ceccato unkown
    i own a 1962 49 cc ceccato bike . i cant find anything about it. i wondered if theres one outside like mine.
    lima, perĂº

    Mon Feb 20 2012
    Moto CeccatoMoto 1956 125 CC
    I would like to contact Theo Jonkhart regarding CeccatoMoto I am a collector.

    Sun Mar 14 2010
    Ceccato Twinfiller
    Hello there. I have purchased the twinfiller that is pictured on your forum from Fred Beatty. I am just wondering if you have any information on the value of this bike? Also, do you know the purpose of the twinfiller tank? Any information about this bike or any pics you might have of a similar one would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

    • The page on Vintage Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful. The twinfiller is purely cosmetic making the bike appear sportier, emulating some racing models of the day which had twin filler caps for faster pit stops.

    Wed Sep 09 2009
    jurasscparts at live dot com
    Ceccato 100 Motorcycle
    Ceccato 1957

    Tue Feb 10 2009
    a-mandarano at bigpond dot com
    ceccato motorcycle
    ceccato 175
    I would like to possibly purchase one for rebuild and I would like as much information on the bike and specification as possible thanks.

    August 27th 2008
    yahoo would only send photos as thumbnails, so I'm sending photos for Fred. you can either reply to this e-mail or budlightbiker at yahoo.com. We look forward to any insight you have on our bike. Thank you Brenda & Fred Beatty.

    Thu Oct 11 2007
    ale16c at aol dot com
    moto ceccato
    can you tell me in which city the motorcycles were manufacterd ? thanks, maria ceccato
    miami, usa

    Fri Dec 22 2006
    ben-champion1494 at hotmail dot com
    hi my sirname is ceccato would i be related to the guy who made these motorbikes and do they still make them today

    Cannot say whether you're related. The marque ceased manufacture in the 1960's. Ed.

    Tue Sep 19 2006
    vnekola at yahoo dot com
    ceccato 175 OHC
    Hi: could you please help me in identify this motorcycle? Year, model, and if possible a picture when it was new (see picture of the bike at present day), thanks, Vladimir
    Chicago, USA

    Sat Aug 19 2006
    shirley at brekeven.za.net (bounced)
    could you please help im looking for pics of these motorcycles to identify the one ive got many thanks

    south africa

    History of Ceccato

    If you have a query about Ceccato motorcycles please contact us