Equipped with spare wheel, the 545 c.c. Chater-Lea and sporting sidecar make an attractive medium-weight outfit.
The 1922 Olympia Show.
CHATER-LEA. (Stand 78.)
Several Singles and a Big Twin.
2¾ H.P. Model.
71x88 mm. (348 c.c.); single cyl. four-stroke; side valves: drip feed lubrication; B. and B. carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x2½in. tyres. Price: Solo, £66.
Chater-Lea, Ltd., 74-84, Banner Street, Golden Lane, London, E.C.1.
A very excellent example of the popular 350 c.c. type of solo mount, possessing many excellent features, such as interchangeable front and back wheels, a specially strengthened steering head with ¼in. balls, most efficient mudguarding and internal expanding brakes front and rear. Sandblasted chain guards of very neat appearance protect the two chains, while the silencing arrangements have been carefully designed, there being a large expansion chamber situated towards the rear of the system. The motive power is the popular 348 c.c. Blackburne engine with side valves. The o.h.v. model is offered at £7 10s. extra. The tank is of ample dimensions, containing two gallons.
4¼ H.P. Model.
85x96 mm. (545 c.c.); single cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication: Amac carburetter; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x 2½in. tyres. Price : Solo. £75; with Sidecar, £100.
A thoroughly practical double-purpose mount of the 600 c.c. class fitted with all the refinements embodied in the model previously described, possessing in common with it adjustable handle-bars, while the same specially strengthened head is utilised, but in this case the balls are 5/16in. in diameter. It is worthy of attention that the engine is Chater-Lea's own manufacture, and is particularly well finished. In the case of this machine the silencing expansion chamber is carried close up against the forward portion of the crank case and consists of a large aluminium casting. Naturally, the wheels are interchangeable, remarks which apply also to the sidecar wheel.
A spare wheel and tyre complete can be supplied. Other details are the same as those in the model previously described, but it may be mentioned that M.-L Maglita set can be supplied as an extra.
The well-known two-stroke and the big twin sidecar are also exhibited, the prices being, for the two- stroke £40. £43 and £47 10s. for plain two-speed, plus clutch, plus kick-starter respectively, and £115 for the sidecar outfit.
Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 860
Sturdy but symmetrical lines are followed in the dual-purpose 545 c.c. Chater-Lea
Advance Details of 1923 Models.
Big Single, Medium Single, Two-stroke and Big-twin Models for Solo, Dual-purpose and Sidecar Use.
To those who are looking for a useful double-purpose mount the 545 c.c. single-cylinder Chater-Lea will undoubtedly appeal.
Its power unit is an engine made by the firm, and it is provided with all-chain transmission, a transmission shock absorber, and a Sturmey gear box incorporating a kick-starter, with the clutch controlled from the handle-bars.
Both wheels are interchangeable and detachable, while internal expanding brakes are fitted back and front. The price solo is £80, and with sidecar £100. The sidecar will not be sold separately.
Another new model is a 348 c.c. sporting solo mount fitted with an overhead valve Blackburne sports engine, all-chain drive, three-speed gear box, handle-bar controlled clutch, kick-starter, and transmission shock absorber. As in the previous model, detachable and interchangeable wheels with internal expanding brakes are fitted. The price of this machine will be £72 10s., or fitted with a side valve Blackburne engine, £65.
Some small improvements have been made in the 269 c.c. Chater-Lea two-stroke, which has been considerably reduced in price, notwithstanding that it is fitted with a two-speed gear box. It is to be sold at £42 10s. without clutch, or £45 complete with clutch.
Little alteration has taken place in the popular 975 c.c. sidecar outfit, which is fitted with a 50° V-
twin Chater-Lea engine, 85.5x85 m.m. (976 c.c.), with protected valve springs and enclosed valve lifter.
It is a thoroughly practical mount which will take two or more people anywhere, and will be sold at
The Motor Cycle November 16th, 1922. p710
If you have a query or information about Chater-Lea Motorcycles please contact us