French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Veloto Mopeds & VLT Engines


Établissements VELOTO 6, Rue de Richemont - 59, Rue de Domrémy - PARIS-13•
Salle d'Exposition : 120, Champs-Élysées, PARIS

Built from around 1948 using their own 50cc engines which were mounted in an unconventional fashion behind the pedal crank, resulting in a velomoteur with a long wheelbase. The fuel tank was mounted below the seat and directly above the spark plug.

Veloto engines were marketed as VLT and were used by Onoto of Dole and DS-Malterre, amongst others. (See VLT, below)


Ets Véloto, 6 rue Richemont, Paris (13°)

Engines built from 1951 to 1954, they were of 47.75, 48 and 49cc capacity, single, two-speed and possibly three-speed two-stroke engines.

DS-Malterre, Onoto of Dole, and Royal Fabric of Saint-Étienne fitted VLT engines.

N.B. Company details also given as R.Poisson, 6 rue Chartran, Neuilly (Seine)

Sources: La Moto Francaise; Moto Review No.1235, April 1955;; Wikipedia NL, et al.

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