A new V twin Metro-Tyler, which marks another entry into the big solo class. The engine is a 5-6 h.p. Blackburne.
A 5-6 h.p. Twin with Blackburne Engine, as well as the Two-stroke Models, to be Marketed
AMONG the several firms which have turned their attention to the sporting twin-cylinder may be mentioned the Metro-Tyler Co., Ltd., Banister Road, Kilburn Lane, London, W.1O.
Their latest production consists of a 5-6 h.p. twin fitted with a Blackburne engine, 71x88 mm. (698 c.c). It is provided with all-chain drive and a Burman three-speed gear box and kick-starter.
Knock-out Hub Spindle.
So as to facilitate tyre repairs to the back wheel a withdrawable spindle is fitted. The front wheel bearings are of standard design. The magneto is carried behind the engine, and is driven by a chain, which is rather long, however. Careful attention has been paid to the mudguarding, the mudguards being wide and well valanced. The machine has a short wheelbase, low riding position, and wide handle-bars giving adequate steering control. An Amac carburetter and B.T.H. magneto are fitted.
In general the machine follows accepted lines, but should be a thoroughly useful high-speed touring mount. Special mention must be made of the roomy toolbag placed at the back of the carrier, and fitted with a lid provided with an ingenious fastener.
Neat frame design is a feature of the 2 ½ h.p. two-stroke M.T. sports model, equipped with an Albion three-speed gear box.
The Two Strokes.
So far as the popular 2 ½ h.p. M.-T. two-stroke is concerned, the alterations are in detail only. The previously used oiling arrangement of the cylinder has been abandoned, the oil now being introduced into the inlet pipe, as this system is found to be more economical in manufacturing costs.
The sporting model of this type has now a roller bearing engine, and when used in conjunction with a sidecar has an Albion three- speed gear box and clutch. In the new sports model two-stroke the magneto and gear box are not enclosed, as is the case in the ordinary model where engine, magneto, and gear box form practically a unit.