A comfortable, fast, and powerful sidecar outfit; the electrically equipped 8 h.p. Royal Ruby, sprung fore and afte, and fitted with leg guards and undershield.
Two distinct types of motor cyclists now have an interest in the Royal Ruby range, which embraces 8 h.p. luxurious spring frame sidecar outfits, and 2¾ h.p. to 3 h.p. lightweights with and without sidecars. When a spring frame is embodied in the 3 h.p. (375 c.c.) model, it is offered as a solo mount only. Three-speed gear boxes of Royal Ruby manufacture are standard on both of the lightweight models.
The main modifications to the luxurious 8 h.p. sidecar outfit have been made in providing even greater comfort for the passenger and detail improvements to the sidecar. The spare wheel is now attached to the chassis instead of to the body; and a new tandem-seated sidecar is an important addition.
IN addition to the well-known and well-tried spring frame, there are several points incorporated in the design of all the Royal Ruby models which deserve to be called distinctive.
Detail work has always received careful attention, and it has not been found necessary to make changes in the majority of the models. One entirely new type, however, has been introduced for next year - a spring frame 375 c.c. machine conservatively rated at 3 h.p. Both engine and gear box - a three-speed with clutch and kick-starter - are of Royal Ruby manufacture, and the machine in the main follows the lines of the smaller-engined model of 1921.
This new model, with the well-known Royal Ruby spring frame, is sold as a solo mount at £90, or with a rigid frame and light sidecar at £105.
The older 2¾ h.p. (349 c.c.) rigid frame sports model is retained, and with sidecar sells at £95, at which figure it appears to be very excellent value.
A sidecar outfit that will appeal to the economist in original cost, petrol consumption, and general upkeep, the 349 C.c. four-stroke Royal Ruby, marketed at 107 guineas. Above is the sidecar of the 98 guinea outfit.
THERE are very few lightweight outfits available for those who prefer the four-stroke engine, and the Ruby Cycle Co., of Moss Lane, Altrincham, have filled this gap by the introduction of two new models.
Engined with the Royal Ruby 2¾ h.p. engine of 349 c.c. {74.5x80 mm.), the motor cycle part of the outfits is practically the same as the solo sports model, but the sidecars differ to some extent. One has a side door and a body conforming to accepted ideas of what a touring sidecar should be, and the other is on sporting lines.
As the weight of the motor cycle is under the 200 lb. limit, the taxation on either of these outfits is, of course, Only £2 10s. Incidentally, the weight of the sporting sidecar is 65 lb., and the touring type 8 lb. extra. It should also be mentioned that the machines are manufactured throughout (including the gear boxes) by the Ruby Co., and are finished in the characteristic colours of black, ruby, and gold; the Royal Ruby adjustable laminated spring front fork is, of course, incorporated in the design. The prices are as follows : Sporting outfit, with two-speed clutch and kick starter, 98 gns,; with three-speed, 103 gns.; touring outfit, 102 gns. and 107 gns.