A new sports model 3 h.p. Royal Ruby, it differs from the standard production in the elimination of the spring frame and the substitution of footrests for footboards.
Weight Reduced and Rigid Frame Adopted to Provide a Light and Simple Machine.
HITHERTO the Royal Ruby machines have been fitted with a completely sprung frame, but a new model lightweight with a rigid frame will be placed upon the market during 1921. This machine largely conforms to the specification of the spring frame model which was exhibited at Olympia last year, but it has been designed specially to appeal to the sporting rider who is prepared to sacrifice a certain amount of comfort for a decrease in weight with the corresponding possibility of obtaining greater speed.
The main frame follows conventional lines, but it embodies the Royal Ruby patent safety stays, which eliminate all instance of a fracture of the front down tube. The spring forks also are of similar design to those used on the spring frame model, and embody the same laminated and adjustable system of springing. Engine and gear box are the same as those used in the spring frame models, the engine being a 3 h.p. single-cylinder four-stroke, and the gear a two-speed countershaft box with clutch and kick-starter. Both these components are manufactured throughout in the extensive works of the makers at Altrincham, Manchester.
In place of the footboards of the standard model, footrests are fitted and semi-T.T. or up-turned handle-bars may be had as desired. The equipment and finish are excellent, and in every way come up to the high standard which has been set in all the products of the makers.
The Motor Cycle November 18th, 1920. Page 599
The front sidecar connecting bolt of the Royal Ruby passes through the engine bearer plates, and thus clamps them together.
The lubrication system of the Royal Ruby provides a supply of oil to the rear of the front cylinder.
The spring frame 8 h.p. Royal Ruby-Jap. Fitted with a three-speed gear and enclosed chain drive, this mount is specially suited for passenger work.
Royal Ruby. (Stand 125.)
8 h.p.; 85.5x85 mm. (976 c.c); twin-cylinder four-stroke; side-by-side valves; drip-feed lubrication; Amac or B. and B. carburetter; chain-driven magneto; three-speed Sturmey-Archer gear; all-chain drive; Dunlop 28x3in. tyres. Price £235.
Ruby Cycle Co., Ltd., Royal Ruby Works, Altrincham.
Notable for its excellent system of springing, employing laminated leaves for both front and rear wheels, both the 3 h.p. and 5 h.p. Royal Ruby are again attracting the attention of prospective buyers. A very fine sidecar outfit is the leading feature of the stand, and employs an 8 h.p. J.A.P. engine. Notable points in the construction of the machine are the locking plates on the spring fork shackles. These enable the shackle bolts to have dome-ended nuts on them, thus preventing the ends of the bolts from getting rusty. A strengthened front down tube, which consists of a main central tube with a single tube of smaller section on each side of it, is another distinctive feature, while another good point is the well-designed spring housing below the saddle, and the double down tubes from it; one goes to the rear engine plate and the other to the front end of the chain stays, immediately behind the gear box.
The back stays also are double, and, in fact, the whole frame gives a fine impression of strength without excessive weight. The springing system is adjustable to the weight of the rider, and the sidecar is beautifully sprung.
2¾ h.p.; 74x80 mm. (349 c.c.); single-cylinder four-stroke; side-by-side valves; drip-feed lubrication; Amac or B. and B. carburetter; chain-driven magneto; two-speed Royal Ruby gear; chain and belt drive; Dunlop 26x25in. tyres. Price £89 5s.
The small four-stroke machine, which has been introduced as a sporting solo mount, is designed on similar lines to the sidecar outfit as far as the front part of the frame is concerned, but the spring frame is not embodied in it. The engine appears to conform to all the standards of modern design, and the gear box, which is also made by the firm, is a very good example of the sliding gear type. The weight of the machine is well under the 200 lb. limit, so that the tax will be only 30s. An alternative model provided with the spring frame is also made; this will have a new engine of slightly larger capacity, and will be sold at £120.
Olympia Show, 1920
The Motor Cycle, December 2nd, 1920. Page 697