Spanish Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Lanch Motorcycles by Ziraco

Manufactured by Jaime Ocariz, 1956 to 1965.

Industrias Reyac-Ocariz, Calle División Azul, Tolosa, provincia de Gipúzcoa. (Ziraco is Ocariz spelled backwards, a semordnilap)

The firm built bicycle attachment engines which sold well, and then began building motorcycles named Lanch, a 75cc two-stroke with a top speed approaching 60 kilometers per hour. Most components were sourced locally, built by other workshops in the Tolosa area. It is estimated that around 800 Lanch motorcycles were produced.

The engines were sold to other manufacturers including Miner, also based in Tolosa.

Sources:, et al

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