AJW Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

AJW Super Four Motorcycles for 1930

1929 Model Reports from The Olympia Show, 1929

The A. J. W. is another distinct break-away from accepted motor cycle practice and as such is again a "gamble."

The design comes nearer to the "car on two wheels" than anything previously seen. It actually has a car type chassis and four-cylinder Anzani engine and gear unit combined. The steering and front suspension, too, are unconventional, and resemble the O.E.C. The whole mechanism is entirely enclosed by side plates and the appearance, from the side, is by no means unattractive. The O.E.C. Tinkler is a combination of the very ingenious Tinkler water-cooled engine and gear unit, which outwardly resembles a plain box with a "Vauxhall "radiator at the front, and the duplex steering O.E.C. frame, described in a recent issue of MOTOR SPORT.

The steering properties of this frame are remarkable, and assuming that the engine unit has been perfected since its 1927 T.T. debut, this should be a most delightful machine. The remaining models (and their name is legion) made by this firm are continued, with detail alterations for 1929.

Text courtesy Motor Sport Magazine

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